Enjoying Christmas in Nursery…

The children have enjoyed mark making outside in artificial snow and shaving foam, developed hand eye coordination by feeding the reindeer, created some beautiful christmas prints using cooking cutters and role played drinking hot chocolates with marshmallows made with cocoa at our hot chocolate station.

Tomorrow we have a Green Top Express ready for some Polar Express themed play. It’s certain to say we are in the full swing of festive fun and we are so excited for our Wriggly Nativity play tomorrow.

Nursery – Mr Bear’s Christmas

This weeks Christmas story is ‘Mr Bear’s Christmas. The children have enjoyed watching the story, painting their own Mr Bear using forks to create texture. We also talked about what we would see, hear and smell at a Christmas party. The children all thought of some wonderful ideas and sounds like some of you are going to have a very merry time this Christmas!

If you would like to watch Mr Bear’s Christmas at home here is the link for you to enjoy this very sweet Christmas tale.


Nursery made Reindeer Food!

The children have loved making their own Reindeer food this afternoon with Miss Myers. The children carefully mixed their oats, glitter and corn then decorated their packet to look like a reindeer. We hope the children love sprinkling this in their garden on Christmas Eve.

Y5/6 Christmas Disco

The Year 5/6 Christmas disco will take place on Thursday 12th December straight after school 3.15 – 4.15pm.

Children will not need money as treats will be provided. They also won’t need to get changed as it is already Christmas jumper / non uniform day on Thursday!

Pick up will be from normal classroom doors at 4.15pm.

Any questions, please contact class teachers or [email protected]