13.12.2023 | EYFS Christmas Performance | EYFS | Hall 9:30am Hall 2:00pm |
Nursery and Reception will now perform together on the 13th December in the hall for a morning and an afternoon performance. More details will follow over the next month!
13.12.2023 | EYFS Christmas Performance | EYFS | Hall 9:30am Hall 2:00pm |
The children loved the pumpkin sensory tray yesterday and came up with some super words to describe what they felt and saw.
“It squelchy!”
“It’s slimy!”
“I’s orange and gooey!”
Crew Councillors will be going around classes from tomorrow with our Poppy Appeal products. We have recommended donations of £1 for snap bands, wristbands and stationery with zip tags and key rings 50p.
This afternoon, we have been creating our school wreath ready to send to the Remembrance Day Celebrations.
Hello All,
We hope you have enjoyed the half term break and are feeling rested ready for our return to school tomorrow morning.
A reminder that Nursery and Reception family learning will run throughout the day on Wednesday 1st November in the school hall. Before half term, your child’s class teacher will have given you a slip with your child’s designated time for their dance session. The sessions are as follows:
9.30 am – 10.15 am – Some of Nursery
10.15 am – 11 am – Some of Reception
1pm – 1.45pm – Remainder of Reception
1.45 pm – 2.30 pm – Remainder of Nursery
One parent/carer is invited to attend to join the children for Diwali/Bollywood dancing. Please come to the main school entrance 5 minutes prior to your designated time to sign in and ensure a prompt start.
If you haven’t already done so, please pay £5 on your child’s Parent Pay which covers the cost for yourself and your child to take part in what will be a very exciting and memorable family learning. School uniform is not required on Wednesday and we encourage children and adults to dress in comfortable clothing and trainers in readiness for the day ahead.
If you have any further questions, please ask a member of staff.
Many thanks for your ongoing support in your child’s learning.
Mrs Hay & The EYFS Team
We try hard to be kind every day in Nursery but today we’ve had a special focus on the topic. The children spoke about how to be kind in Nursery. They had some wonderful ideas such as “use kind words”, “be kind to our toys” and “share toys”.
We started the day with yoga to be kind to ourselves
In provision we focused on the colour green to match the NSPCC logo
Well done for being kind to each other and our classroom today
Have a wonderful half term everyone
Mrs Burton
The children have been working really hard to learn the names of 2D shapes and talk about their properties. The children have been creating shapes by constructing with lolly sicks and drawing them on the CleverTouch.
CHALLENGE – I wonder if you can go on a shape hunt at home and spot any squares, circles, rectangles and triangles? Can you talk about how many sides and corners the shapes have?
Today the children will be coming home with a pink heart written for someone special. We talked about how we can show kindness and share the love to make ourselves and someone else feel happy. The children came up with some lovely kind comments.
Today we shared the story ‘The huge bag of worries’ written by Virginia Ironside. We talked about what feeling worried means and how we can help ourselves and each other if we feel worried. We discussed how talking and sharing our worries with a grown up we trust can help the worries feel a little lighter.
Next week, we will be taking part in a week full of activities linking to Kindness. This is part of the NSPCC fundraising and awareness week.
We will be taking part in lots of fun activities during Crew each day and there will be lots of opportunities for children to complete Kindness Challenges at home too.
Next Friday, to raise money for the NSPCC, we will be holding a Non-Uniform Day for donations of £1.
To celebrate National Poetry Day the nursery children listened to the poem above “The Morning Rush” and spoke about our morning routines.