A very happy day in Nursery!

Today we welcomed the rest of our new children to Nursery. Our ‘oldies’ were so kind, helpful and friendly to our new starters and really made them feel welcome. Tomorrow we will be building our sense of ‘CREW’ by talking about our feelings and modelling what they might look like and playing ‘learn my name’ games. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings with our beautiful Nursery crew.

Busy immersing our Nursery!

The Nursery children have been having lots of crafty fun creating woodland creatures and painting trees to immerse our Nursery environment to kick start our expedition learning. ‘What do stories tell us about Autumn?’

National Read a Book Day!

Tomorrow (Wednesday 6th September) is National Read a Book Day!

Why not enjoy a book together after school to celebrate the day? We’d love for you to email us any photos of you enjoying your reading!

[email protected]

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[email protected]

Nursery in the heat…

We are very lucky that our first week in Nursery is so sunny and warm however, to stay sun safe it is essential that your child wears suncream and a sun hat. Please provide your child with sun cream, a sun hat and a bottle of water from tomorrow. We would appreciate you applying sun cream before school starts in preparation for outdoor play.

Many thanks,

Mrs Hay

Nursery blasting off into Reception!

This week the nursery children had a fantastic couple of days getting to know each other, their crew and learning all about our new astronaut: Neil Armstrong! The children have created a fantastic rocket pictures, decorated a star with their favourite things and have made some super friendships ready for our start back to school. Here are some of our play snapshots!

Have a great Summer guys and I will see you when you officially start in reception…I can’t wait!

Miss Carter and the Reception Team