Lost Property in KS1

Good morning everyone.

Please would you check your child’s belongings. One of the children in Miss Rodgers’ class has lost his PE bag containing kit and trainers. It is a black drawstring bag with a green reflective stripe. We think perhaps someone may have taken it home by accident. In addition to this we do collect a number of un-named items on a weekly basis that are not claimed. If you notice that your child has missing items, please ask their class teacher ASAP and we will arrange for you to check through our lost property box. All unclaimed items will be sent to a recycling centre at the end of each term.

Thank you and have a great weekend

The KS1 crew x

Year 1 and 2 Presentation of learning

Reminder for parents and carers!

Key stage 1 will be holding a presentation of learning in the school hall on Thursday 28th November starting at 2.00pm.

This is a chance for you to see what the children have been learning about this term. We will open the doors for anyone who wishes to come to our presentation from 1.45pm.

We hope to see you there.

KS1 crew x

Key stage 1 community crew assembly

A huge well done to our year 1 and 2 superstars this week. We have celebrated stewards, HOWL point winners, numbots and TT rockstars winners, as well as Crew Stone being our attendance champions again this week!

Well done to all of our children who received reading certificates this week too, it was great to see so many children achieving their 30 reads at home…please keep going with this…it really does make a difference!

I also need to mention our crew champions this week who deserved their awards so much. I love hearing all about the fantastic things you have been up to every week.

Thanks so much to all of the parents too for coming, it was lovely to see you in school and get to know you!

Year 2 orienteering fun!

Today, year 2 had their first orienteering lesson and I think it’s safe to say that they loved it.

They were using the maps, working together and did so much exercise running between the locations.

On top of this, key stage 1 have started their daily mile at playtimes this week. They are loving the exercise and being outside in this lovely Autumn weather.

Great job guys!

Class 8’s fantastic DT

Class 8 have really grappled this week to design and build a battering ram. They have chosen their own resources and tried to create a sturdy structure with a moving mechanism. I have been blown away with how they have worked together with their partners and with how much resilience they have shown when things were hard.

Well done class 8, I am really proud!

Mrs Shaw