Class 8 fabulous PE

The children learnt about point and patch balances and came up with a routine with their partner, thinking about the transitions they needed between them. There were some great balances, I was very impressed. Well done class 8 x

Year 2- Fruit Kebabs

Wow wow wow! What a fantastic start to Year 2s XP Outdoors. This afternoon we made fruit kebabs, learning all about different types of fruit and why they are important. We had apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, melon and watermelon.

Hands washed and down to business, selecting their fruits and carefully chopping them into small pieces. With all the fruit prepped time for sliding them onto skewers, experimenting with different combinations, discussing which fruits paired best together. Last but very important enjoying eating our fabulous creations.

Class 8’s hook week

What a fantastic first week back!

Not only was it amazing to see the children back all looking so happy this week but doing their SLCs has been an absolute pleasure. Thank you to everyone who has attended.

Here is a brief summary of some of the activities we have done this week to help us with our new expedition this term: Ready, steady, grow: How can I be the healthiest version of me?

Key stage 1 reading books *Please read*

Reading book google form

I know that many parents are aware that we are changing how we are supporting children with their reading, moving forward. Please read the attached letter and complete the google form above.

As soon as a parent has signed the google form to say that they agree, your child will come home with their set of reading books, which will be changed on a Friday from now on.

In the meantime, please don’t worry that you don’t have school books over the weekend because any books that you read will count towards your school reading challenge.

Thank you for your support with this change

Year 2 important information for Spring term

As we start a new term, there may be some changes that you need to be aware of so we hope that you will find this blog post helpful.

Year 2 XP Outdoors kit – every Monday

Year 2 PE kit – every Wednesday

Family learning for parents and carers – Wednesday 5th February @2pm – Please dress appropriately for being outdoors.

Reading book changing day – every Friday

Please also send the children with a warm coat, gloves and hat every day whilst the weather is cold. Thank you for your support,

Mr Gerrard and Mrs Shaw