Home Learning Superstars.

Look at the wonderful home learning the children of class 6 have been doing. It’s wonderful that the children are so enthusiastic about their learning that they want to carry on at home. Thanks for your support in encouraging your children to be creative!

Last week Miss Salter set a challenge that anyone in F2 and KS1 who brought their reading books into change would enter a prize draw.  This morning we drew out the 6 winning tickets.  Our lucky winners won a ‘twist and tangle’ and a tube of smarties!

Well done Annabel, Letti, Cody, Ferron-Rose, Riley and Pandora!

Watch out for the next challenge in the next few weeks.  Keep reading those books!

F2 and KS1 house point winners 23.9.19

Well done to this week’s winners.   There are lots of new prizes to choose from and I know you will enjoy them!  I wonder who will impress the grown ups this week and get to choose something from our wonderful new prizes!

Fabulous home learning

Take a look at these marvelous creatures that have been created as part of class 6’s homework!

It’s wonderful when the children use their creativity to continue to use their learning in out-of-class activities such as these.

Well done Jack, Flyn and Sofia!

The animals have been added to our immersive classroom.

Lost property

Hi everyone

Please could you check the children’s clothes to make sure they haven’t brought home someone else’s by mistake? If you are missing any items of clothing we have a growing pile of tops, jumpers and cardigans, PE kit and other things on the table outside our classroom.

Thanks for your support

Miss Rodgers

Class 6 at The Deep (finally!)

We all had such a great day at The Deep last Friday. The children were fabulous ambassadors for Green Top and the teachers in our workshop were super impressed by everything we already knew about the creatures that live there.

Enjoy our photographs….It’s certainly taken me long enough to learn how to upload them without them being upside down!

A special thank you also to the adults who came along to help.

Your support is very much appreciated.

Miss Rodgers, Miss Nolan and Miss Smith.

We are collecting Aldi stickers