Year 6 spellings w/c 3.3.2025

Over the next week, Year 6 will be focusing on spellings words with silent letters. The children will be tested on the following spellings at the end of next week.

thumb wrist knife lamb plumber  island  column  listen whistle sword

Click on the link below if you need to remind yourself about silent letters.

Crew Jackson – Crucial Crew

Y6 visited the Lifewise Centre today to participate in the Crucial Crew programme. The Lifewise Centre provides the children with essential knowledge and skills to be able to keep safe in the local community.

Some of the different scenarios included road safety, transport safety, fire safety, water safety and a mock trial in a Magistrates’ Court! All of the scenarios are taught by volunteering experts from South Yorkshire Police, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership.

The children participated in all of the scenarios showing real maturity and thoughtfulness. Check out the slide show below.

KS2 Disco Divas!

KS2 children had a blast at our Valentine’s Day Disco yesterday – lots of hotdogs, dancing and sweets were enjoyed by all 🙂 Mr Mumby took to the decks and by children’s request, the highly acclaimed tune – ‘Sigma Boy’ – had the school hall jumping like never before!

Crew Jackson We are all artists – even our family members!

Thank you to all the adults that joined us this morning for Family Learning. The children were amazing at showing the adults the grid method that we have been using to support us with our artwork. It was so lovely to see our families joining in with the task and producing some great pictures, from Vivienne Westwood, Usain Bolt, Taylor Swift and Dwayne Johnson – to name just a few! The children will be continue to draft and improve their artwork in our expedition lessons as we work towards creating our final drafts of Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks and Emmeline Pankhurst, which will form part of the Y5/6 product.

Crew Jackson – Reading Theatre

This week we have been focusing on different ways we can improve our reading fluency. Today we worked in small groups to rehearse our performance of our weekly text, a poem called Grannie’. It was great to see the collaboration and listen in to the discussions around the different components of fluency. Well done guys – I always enjoy our reading lessons!

Maths week – Y3 orienteering with Y6

This morning in crew time, the children in Crew Jackson turned into little teachers and supported the children in Crew Dutton with their maths learning. Y6 showed the character traits of compassion and integrity by guiding the children through the task and I was blown away by how grown up they were. Well done Y3 on having the courage to work with Y6 – you were all superstars!

e-Safety Orienteering Drop-in Session!

On Tuesday 11th February, to mark Safer Internet Day, we will be hosting an e-Safety ‘drop in session’ for children and parents. The session will run from 14:00 – 15:00 and will involve some orienteering fun around the school grounds, with a link to e-Safety and staying safe online.

Please book your place to attend the session with your children via the link below.

Parents and carers will be able to meet and collect children from the school hall. We look forward to seeing everyone!