Please see the letter attached for Maths Week 2025 details:
Year 6 spellings
This week we will be looking at words that end with the suffixes -tial and -cial. Watch the video below to remind yourself of the spelling rule. Here are our list of focus words.
essential potential confidential torrential initial
special artificial crucial racial beneficial
Year 6 spellings – ough
This week our spelling pattern is words containing the letter string ‘ough’. Watch the video below as a recap of the many different sounds that ‘ough’ can make. Practice the following words at home as you will be tested on them next week.
The Snaith School 2026 Transition – Save the Date
Thinking ahead for our current Year 5 children, The Snaith School have already published their transition dates for anyone thinking about attending their school. Please see the attached flyer.
Crew Jackson – Reading retrieval
We had great fun in our reading lesson this morning – great work guys at rolling the dice and answering the questions.
Crew Jackson – Healthy choices
This morning in crew we discussed healthy and unhealthy choices. I was impressed with how many children enjoy drinking water and eating fruit. The children went on to create anchor charts showing the healthy and unhealthy choices we need to make including exercise, a balanced diet, drinking water and getting enough sleep.
Y5/6 Parent Overview
Below is our parent overview for our current expedition ‘Fight for you rights: How can one moment influence our future?’
Year 5/6 Extended Study Menu
Please find attached the Year 5/6 extended study menu for our current expedition ‘Fight for your rights: How can one moment influence our future?’
Year 6 will also start to receive additional homework in the run up to SATs which will be handed out to them weekly.
Crew Jackson – How does light travel?
This morning we hooked ourselves into our new expedition by exploring the question ‘how does light travel?’. We carried out an investigation to prove that light travels in straight lines. I was very impressed with the scientific diagrams the children produced to demonstrate their understanding.
Year 6 Christmas Bingo!
We had great fun this morning playing bingo as part of our party day! We had lots of winners!