Green Top Kindness Advent Calendar

Year 5 and 6 PoL – Science Lectures

A reminder that Year 5 and 6’s Presentation of Learning takes place next week. The children are going to present their learning from this expedition as a science lecture which will take place at Trinity Academy in their lecture theatre.

The children have been working incredibly hard in their groups for the past couple of weeks to create their lecture slides and scripts and we can’t wait for you to see it!

Year 5 – Wednesday 4th December @5.30pm

Year 6 – Thursday 5th December @5.30pm

Crew Jackson – Tag Rugby

This afternoon, we had great fun practicing our ball throwing skills in rugby. The most important things we need to remember are to communicate and not to throw the ball forwards!

Great work guys!

Crew Jackson – Home learning

Thank you Charlie for bringing in your home learning to share with us this morning in crew. It was perfect timing as it followed on from our lesson on Tuesday on gears, levers and pulleys.