Class 10 – Extra PE this Friday

On Friday, Class 10 will receive an extra PE session as part of our Your PE provision. Please ensure your child brings their full PE kit with them on this day.

Thank you, Mrs Dutton.

Class 10 Will Remember Them – 11am, 11.11.2024

Today, we have been thinking about Remembrance Sunday and we have paid tribute to all soldiers in a two-minute silence at 11am. We have also found out about how some of our crew took part in yesterday’s remembrance ceremony in Thorne Memorial Park, including Charlotte who lay her homemade wreath and Ted who joined in with his Cubs. Well done, everyone – I am so proud of how respectful you have all been.

Class 10 – Faith Day: Hinduism

Today was another of our fabulous faith days and this time we have enjoyed learning all about Hinduism. To start, we tackled a short reading task to learn more about the concept of dharma and how different religions direct the way their followers live. Then we found out about the Hindu story of King Yudhisthira and his dog, which taught us about the importance of loyalty and of compassion to all living creatures. We worked collaboratively in groups to create comic strip posters of the story which helped to consolidate our learning … why not ask us to tell you the story at home to see how well we can remember it?

Y3 & Y4 – Back to Learning with a Bang!

What a busy and exciting couple of days back in school for Year 3 and 4, where we have engaged with lots of valuable input from experts about our expedition topic – war and how it changes lives.

On Monday, we enjoyed a very informative zoom call with two wartime experts who talked us through the lives of children in WW2, as well as guiding us through the work done by women as part of the ‘home-front’.

Then today, we have enjoyed another visit by the Victoria Cross Trust:

Mick, who worked with us back at the start of our expedition, revisited us to share more information about the Victoria Cross medal and some of its recipients from Doncaster, in particular: Thomas Harper VC, Thomas Bryan VC and George Wyatt VC who we are writing biographies about to include in our final product.

And, Keith guided each class through Thorne Cemetery to identify and research the Common Wealth graves located there. We were fascinated by the soldiers that we learnt about and the visit really helped to highlight the importance of the upcoming Remembrance Day and how important it is to remember those who fought – and still do so – for our country. We will remember them!

To end our fantastic day, Keith presented us with some beautiful commemorative slate plaques which show each of the VC Soldiers that we are learning about and the act of bravery which led to them receiving their most prestigious award. We look forward to keeping these plaques in school and to future generations Green Top students benefitting from these going forwards.

Class 10 Holiday Homework Shout Outs

Shout outs to all of the boys and girls who have been busy continuing their learning over the half-term holiday. It’s been lovely seeing what everyone’s been getting up to! It has been especially exciting to hear about so many children making a visit to Eden Camp to continue our expedition learning around WW2. Great job, everybody!

Class 10 – Extra football PE session with YourPE

Today we enjoyed our extra football PE session with YourPE coach, Coach Morgan. We worked on passing the ball with accuracy by aiming for a static cone before levelling up and passing to a moving partner. Well done, boys and girls – you all tried so hard and we made lots of improvement in our skills (even Mrs Dutton)!

Class 10 – Fabulous Home Learning to end our first half-term in Year 3!

Thank you so much for more amazing learning from home this week … your commitment to learning and practice never fails to amaze me so well done everyone, such little super stars!

Class 10 – iPad Digital Portraits

Today, we have been putting our iPad Art skills to the test by creating a first draft of our final product – a digital portrait of our focus soldier, Thomas Bryan VC who was a soldier during WW1. We used a photo of Bryan to create a detailed sketch before making use of smudging and blending tools to add shading and texture to our piece. When we return after half-term, we will critique our work in order to improve our technique ready for the final portrait. I was super impressed with our creations today and can’t wait to see what the final versions look like soon. Great job, everyone! x