More home learning from the fabulous home learners in Class 10 … your commitment is blowing me away boys and girls, keep it up!
Class 10 – Fabulous Family Learning
Thank you so much to all the parents and carers who could make it to our family learning event today. And an even bigger well done for grappling with our new iPad app to create some fabulous examples of digital art. Your support at these events really does make a difference and the children have loved getting the chance to show you what they have (and will) be getting up to in our art case study.
Year 3 Spellings – w.c. 7.10.2024
Here are this week’s spellings to support your practice at home:
Year 3 | Crew Song
This morning, Year 3 enjoyed singing a new song with Geoff, all about what it means to be crew.
Class 10 – Request for Reading Photos
I am hoping to jazz up our reading area with some amazing photos of the boys and girls from Class 10 with their favourite books … the more creative and entertaining, the better! (no pressure!)
Please could you share your photographs with me by email before Wednesday 9th October.
Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Dutton x
Class 10 – Home Learning
Check out some more amazing home learning and achievements from Class 10 below – well done everyone!
Class 10 at the Library for Reading Week!
This afternoon it was Class 10’s turn to visit the library and fortunately for us it was a lovely dry walk! We all enjoyed spending some time perusing the children’s section of the library and a few of us even managed to be promoted to librarian with an opportunity to check books in and out from behind the desk.
Y3 Spelling Practice – w.c. 30/9/2024
Year 3/4 Sculpture club
Another wonderful and successful club session today. Creating ‘fun and crazy’ sculptures with nothing but paper. This group are a wonderful creative bunch and worked really hard on their art work today! Very impressive guys, very big well done!
KS2 – XP Outdoors
Please remember to send your child with appropriate XP Outdoors kit suitable for the weather – especially now it is getting colder and wetter! Appropriate footwear is essential as the children spend time in the grassy XP Outdoors area.
A reminder of the days that XP Outdoors takes place:
- Tuesday – Year 4
- Wednesday – Year 3
- Thursday – Year 5
- Friday – Year 6
A further reminder of the suggested XP Outdoors kit –