Class 9 | Home Learning

A big well done to Matilda who has been spending some time researching and writing facts about our wartime Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. Well done Matilda, keep up the good work!

Class 9 | Home Learning

Well done to Arnie who has been creating a timeline of events for the Second World War over the weekend. Great work Arnie! Keep it up!

Also, a huge well done to Elea who has been working hard to practise her spelling and handwriting this weekend! Super job!

Year 3 | Uniform, PE and XP Outdoors

School uniform and equipment:

  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. This ensures we have minimal to no lost property in school.
  • Please ensure children bring a bag to school each day to keep their belongings safe. Children are asked to keep many things safe in their backpack and it also helps children to carry all of their belongings at the end of the day (water bottles, jumpers, cardigans, letters etc).
  • All children should bring a name labelled water bottle filled with water only every day.

PE and XP Outdoors:

In Year 3, PE will be on a Monday afternoon and XP Outdoors will take place on a Wednesday. Below is a list of the required kit for each day.

Year 3 | WW2 Expert

What a pleasure it was for the children in Year 3 today as they were able to listen to our special guest Mick from Doncaster’s Victoria Cross Trust, who was kind enough to come in and talk to the children all about the Second World War.

We were able to learn about a local hero who received the Victoria Cross as well as experience some of the equipment and uniforms used by soldiers during the war.

Class 9 | New Class Text!

Today we have looked at the front cover of our new class text, ‘The Lion and the Unicorn.’ We noticed some interesting things about the character and made predictions about what we thought might happen in the story.

We later looked at some of the countries involved in the Second World War and tried to locate them on a map!

Sculpture club

Just want to say a big thank you to sculpture club. They were fab at listening and learning about the different paper sculpture techniques this week! Check out what they have done below. A few more techniques to show them next week, but they have been set a challenge to think about what they’d like to start to make. Ensuring they apply some of these techniques to create something 3D!