Welcome to Year 5 💫

Wow! What a fantastic week we’ve had transitioning into Year 5. It has been super to see lots of new friendships being formed as my current Crew merged with the children from Crew Faulding.
We’ve had lots of team building activities and reflected on what we expect from Crew next year. I’m so excited to watch you all grow and be the best version of you!

Y5/6: A great start to our new phase crew!

It has been a fabulous end to the term by welcoming our new Y5’s to the phase. This week we have spent time developing our new crews through establishing crew norms, creating collaborative art work, creating a crew song amongst other exciting activities. As Y6 have their current teachers again, their transition looked slightly different. Working around the extreme heat this week, that children coped incredibly well with, Y6 children took part in service learning by throughly cleaning the areas around school by litter picking and making our school look the best it can be. We made a stand by creating eye-catching posters that we intend on placing on the fences around the school, particularly the entrance to school. Following this, we had a continental brunch as a reward for our hard work and as a treat for attendance this academic year. This week has been fantastic, I am proud of every single child in our new crew. I’m certain we’re going to have an outstanding and memorable year as a new phase crew.

Wishing everyone a restful and enjoyable Summer break.

Year 3- Postcard winners so far!

A huge shout out to these superstars for a fab start in Year 3. You’ve all stood out to me and Miss O’Neill during the last couple of days for working hard in all of our transition activities. Keep it up guys!

Mrs Faulding x

Team building in Crew faulding!

We had so much fun with our lava challenge yesterday! I was blown away by the great ideas each team had and everyone’s enthusiasm.

We started off the challenge steady but of course we had to turn up the heat (no pun intended after this weeks weather ha ha) and give them less time to get from one side to another. You all smashed it! I really enjoyed hearing all of your reflections on what went well during our debrief afterwards.

Mrs Faulding x

Sharing our feelings in Crew Faulding

In our feelings circle today, we were testing our memory and listening skills by sharing our feelings with a partner and getting them to share it with the rest of our crew. It was great to do our feelings in a different way as it really encouraged us to focus on what our friends were sharing.

Mrs Faulding x

Crew Faulding- working on our pledges!

We spent our time in crew this morning finishing off our Crew norms and pledges. It was brilliant to see everyone think carefully about their next steps moving up in to year 3 and what they want to work on!

Keep your eyes peeled for our pledge video later on in the week! It’s going to be a good one!

Mrs Faulding x


Exciting news that Our Final Product from Yr 3/4’s Spring Expedition is now available.

The CD will be available to buy from the school office next week. You will also be able to purchase the CD at Picnic in the Park on Wednesday and the Family Picnic on Thursday!
The CD is £3 to buy and all proceeds will go to The Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation.

XP Climate Conference ’22

On Thursday Evening, Miss Tortora and I had the pleasure of attending a learning celebration at XP East. It was a fantastic event to raise awareness of the impacts of Climate Change and what we can do as a community to help.

A huge shoutout to all of the children from across the Primary schools that attended and presented in front of over a hundred people. They shared their learning journey from our Spring Expedition ’Why should we protect our beautiful planet?’ In particular a big thank you to Thia, JJ and Georgia, along with their parents that represented Green Top. An added shout out to Jersey and Dexter for being a HUGE help selling the CD’s on our stall.

It was a great way to celebrate and showcase our Final Product and music video!


Making memories to last a lifetime! Crew Faulding and Crew Myers

We celebrated our last full day together in style!

We used our well earned attendance money from the whole year to have a breakfast fit for a 5 * all inclusive resort- with amazing waitress service (myself, Miss Myers and Mr O).

Then to end the day, we went in to battle with an all mighty water fight. A special thank you to all children for making sure that we all got royally drenched. Poor Mr O couldn’t put his shoes back on for 3 hours afterwards!

It has been a special day to remember with lots of laughs and smiles.

We are crew!!

Mrs Faulding, Miss Myers and Mr Overson xx