World Book Day

Green Top will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March and this will be a dress up event.

We can’t wait to see which book character you decide to be but please don’t feel that you have to buy a costume – we love seeing the homemade ones!

Save the date - World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity.  Our mission is to give every child and young person a book of their own.

Science Club Investigations

We’ve had a busy few weeks in science club and have some great pictures to share. Last week, we investigated with skittles. We predicted whether cold, warm or hot water would make the colours run the quickest. After, we found out that the hot water made the colours run quicker. This was because the particles in the hot water move quicker than in cold, making the colour rub off quicker.

Today, Kianna, Eleanor and Annabelle presented their choice of investigation – DIY Lava Lamps. We talked about how liquids can have different densities and this means that oil and water will stay separate. We added some bicarbonate of soda and watch the bubbles of gas move up.

Your challenge – Can you make your own lava lamps over half term? You could investigate how adding vinegar or lemon juice changes the reaction. You might want to try turning off the lights and adding a torch to get an even better effect. Make sure you take some pictures of your investigations!


Young Voices is NEARLY here!! Children will be leaving school at 12pm to arrive at Utilita Arena in time for rehearsals to start at 1pm. Children will have lunch early in school before leaving.

Children will need a packed lunch for their tea and plenty to drink – We will be having an hour at 5pm for children to be able to eat in the arena before the concert begins.

I have received all of the children’s T-Shirts and Torches and will distribute them to the children on the day. Children should come to school in their usual school uniform and can change their T-Shirts before we leave.

Concert Times:

Venue doors open at 6pm for all adults who are attending. The Concert starts at 7pm and finishes at 8:45pm. All adult tickets will be given to children by the end of tomorrow to bring home at 3pm. There is also a letter that gives further information about parking.

All children are to return to school on the coach and no children will be permitted to leave the arena with their parents. The coach will drop everyone off at the main school gates at approximately 9:45pm.

Maths Week Challenge 5

Today is NSPCC Number Day and TTRockstars are holding an NSPCC Rocks event! Support our school by logging in to your TTRockstars and taking part! The competition is open until 7.30pm.

If you don’t have a TTRockstars account you could play other online games on websites such as Hit the Button or Maths Frame!

Have fun!

Maths Week Challenge 4!

Well done to those who have taken part in our challenges so far – you’ve done a fantastic job! Here is the challenge for day 4! There are 3 different levels for you to choose from depending on whether or not you want a challenge!

Remember to send your pictures of the things you find to your teachers or to [email protected]

We can’t wait to see what you find on your scavenger hunt!

Maths Week Challenge 3

What does 100 look like?

Choose a random object from your house and count out 100! Will you choose to count 100 pasta pieces, 100 pieces of cereal of even 100 socks!? Be as creative as you want to be and let’s see what 100 looks like!

If you can, put your 100 items in a bag and fetch them to show your teachers! Remember you can always send photographs to your teachers or to [email protected]

Some more examples might include:

25+ Things to Count to 100 - Creative Family Fun

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!