Years 1 and 2 tried their hand at baseball during our sports club at lunch!
Years 1 and 2 tried their hand at baseball during our sports club at lunch!
All reading books need to be returned to school tomorrow as school is shut on Friday this week. It is important that all books are returned as the children will be using them throughout the school day tomorrow. Children will be reading their reading books during our morning activity, changing their Shared Reading books in their phonics lesson and celebrating their progress this week in their classes. Children will also receive their new phonics homework to add to their book pack. Please ensure your child has a suitable bag to keep their books safe throughout the day.
If you have not yet read the letter outlining the way we are changing books in school then please make this a priority as we need all parents to sign the form regarding reading books.
Thank you,
KS1 team
Last week we posted a letter explaining the changes to the way we will be changing reading books in school. We have put together some slides to offer further support to parents about the types of books your child will bring home.
Please remember to read the letter sent to parents and sign the consent form for your child to bring home their reading books. From now on we request that all children return their reading books every Friday.
If you have any further questions or concerns please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Please click on the link below to access the information slides:
One happy winner!
This week, Class 7 have been working on art work inspired by Dennis Wojtkiewicz. We loved creating realistic fruit and worked hard!
Well done to all our certificate winner in this weeks KS1 Phase Assembly!
I know a number of people at SLCs were asking for TT Rockstars and Numbots passwords.
It should be the first name and then the first initial, with the password being 123.
For example, username: Michaelg , password: 123
We’ve spoken about the importance of completing these this week in class and I can’t wait to see how much we improve!!
Wow wow wow! What a fantastic start to Year 2s XP Outdoors. This afternoon we made fruit kebabs, learning all about different types of fruit and why they are important. We had apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, melon and watermelon.
Hands washed and down to business, selecting their fruits and carefully chopping them into small pieces. With all the fruit prepped time for sliding them onto skewers, experimenting with different combinations, discussing which fruits paired best together. Last but very important enjoying eating our fabulous creations.