Class 7 fruit pastels!
Today, Class 7 made some fruits using oil pastels!
Year 1 and 2 XP Outdoors Starting.
We’re thrilled to announce that our XP Outdoor sessions will be starting again next week!
- Year 2: Monday Afternoons
- Year 1: Tuesday Afternoons
Please ensure your child brings appropriate outdoor clothing for activities. Includes a waterproof jacket, wellies, and warm layers, as we’ll be outdoors rain or shine!
If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to ask.
We’re looking forward to another exciting term of XP outdoor!
Class 7 fruit baskets!
Yesterday, Class 7 made their very own fruit baskets!
Class 7 SLC appointments!
Good evening!
I still have lots of appointments available to be booked for the SLCs to celebrate the amazing work completed in the Autumn term! 🙂
Please make sure they are booked up this week 🙂
Class 7 plant runner beans!
It is fair to say that Class 7 enjoyed planting runner beans today, as we began the hook week for our new Expedition. The class put compost in their pots, made a hole to plant the seeds and then covered them ready to (hopefully) grow!
Class 7 pyjama day!
Year 2 party day!!!
What a day we have had!!! We made party hats, we sang christmas songs, we had a visit from Santa, we ate Christmas dinner, we played party games, we ate lots of party food and we had a visit from Elsa!!!
Honestly, I am tired out, so I’m sure the children will be too!
I have loved sharing today with your children, they have been smiling from start to finish!
Crew Stone attendance treat!!!
Crew Stone have absolutely smashed their attendance this term, having the best attendance across school! They had a total of £35 to spend at the attendance reward shop today!
Amazing work guys and keep it up…it really does pay to come to school x x
Key stage 1 panto
What a fantastic way to start our two Christmas weeks at school. We had so much fun…oh yes we did! There was lots of laughter, singing, screaming and fun had by everyone. Thank you to friends of Green top again for supporting us financially to make this opportunity happen.