Girls football tournament!

Wow! What a massive well done to the girls who participated in the football tournament over at XP as part of our Trust competitions. We did such a great job that we scored plenty of goals, didn’t concede and ended up winning the tournament overall.

The best thing was seeing the enjoyment of girls who have played together and those making their way into such a great game. Keep your eyes posted for more photos of the tournament from Mr Ambler!

A massive well done to the girls for being such super stars and to the adults for taking you to the tournament! Rest up and have a great weekend 🙂

Year 1/2 and 3/4 presentation of learning reminder!

Don’t forget that our KS1 and Y3/4 presentation of learning takes place on Friday 22nd March 4pm – 5pm. This is a combined event so if you have children in both phases, you can celebrate them both at the same time!

We have been so impressed by the children’s art work and can’t wait to share their work with you in our special gallery!

We really hope you can join us in this exciting collaborative celebration!

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Mrs Shaw and Miss Knowles

Class 10 forces experiment!

Today, Class 10 have made predictions about how friction will affect how vehicles travel. We tested the car on different surfaces and found that, the smoother the surface, the further the car went. However, the rougher or bumpier the surface, the more friction there was and the car would travel less distance.

Well done Class 10 on working so well together! 🙂


Just a reminder that PE is on a Monday and to wear suitable clothing for it. Green polo (white if not green) with a sensible warm jumper if required. Shorts or tracksuit bottoms and no football kits for PE.

Class 10 magnets! 🧲

What a great lesson from Class 10, today! We experimented with magnets and put on our scientific hats with the hope of finding out what materials were magnetic and which weren’t. We accurately predicted that the items made of metal (paper clips, coins and table legs) would attract the magnet, but items that were not made of metal (rulers, paper and rubbers) would not attract them.

However, some did try to trick me into thinking that plastic was magnetic!

Keep up the great scientific work, Class 10! 🙂

Key stage 1 and Years 3 and 4 art gallery

There will be a combined Presentation of learning for Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 this term!

We have been so impressed by the children’s art work and can’t wait to share their work with you! There will be surprises, visitors and quizzes on the night too!

The event will take place on Friday 22nd March at 4pm.

We really hope you can join us in this exciting collaborative celebration.

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Mrs Shaw and Miss Knowles

Roaring success at YWP! 😆

Class 10 have walked for miles and seemed tried after a bus journey, but loved their day at YWP seeing so many incredible animals. We were very excited to get in and start exploring!

We then went to see the lions, but they didn’t like the early start, so off we went to see the polar bears and the warty pigs!

After that, we went to see some of the giant otters, including the baby have their breakfast, the monkeys and then walk with the wallabies!

We then finished off wandering the tigers, the leopard and the giraffes and then finally finished with a workshop on polar bears!

We even cam face to face with a terrifying polar bear!

A huge well done to Class 10 for how they behaved around YWP and a massive thank you for all of our parent volunteers – we really appreciate you coming! 🙂