Crew Ambler – Lecture Preparation

This morning, we have been busy researching our topics in preparation for our scientific lecture all about space. Over the next few weeks, we will be using all our information to create scripts and slides ready to deliver to our audience. We can’t wait to show you what we have learnt! #OgdenTrust

Well done Thea

Huge shoutout for Thea who has raised £93 for the Armed Forces Charity. Thea has spent time over the last few weeks crocheting her own Poppy’s and selling them around school for remembrance day. Well done Thea we are all very proud of you!

Crew Ambler – Friction Investigation

Yesterday, we had great fun investigating friction. Each group chose four different surfaces to test which had the most and least amount of friction. Great work everyone – I can’t wait to see your final science reports! #OgdenTrust

Crew Ambler – Air Resistance

Yesterday, we explored how the size of a parachute effected the length of time it took to reach the ground. Everyone was able to use the background knowledge they built on air resistance to draw conclusions and explain use scientific language.
