Year 5/6 – Community Meeting!

On Monday, we had our first Community Crew Meeting since Christmas, it was lovely to see everyone together again and celebrate the great start to our learning in Spring term!

A huge shout out to everyone who received HOWL point certificates and especially our Crew Champions! An added shout out to Miss Barnett’s Crew for their impressive Howl point total!! I wonder if anyone will top it next week?!

Year 5 – Harry Potter Studios 🧙🧹💫

This week, Year 5 enjoyed a magical day at Warner Bros Studios for Harry Potter in the snow! What a fantastic day we had and lots of beautiful memories made! Thank you to all of our parent helpers for volunteering to come and support – it wouldn’t have been possible without you 💫💫

Please check out all our fabulous photographs in the folder below: Harry Potter – Photographs

Can you spot your quidditch photo in the folder?

Year 5 – Harry Potter day – Potions 🧪

This morning, we took part in potions lessons, Harry Potter Style!!

We worked in groups to come up with creative potions and used gross ingredients like elf snot, pixie brains and unicorn blood to create some very disturbing mixtures!
If you find yourself transporting or turning invisible it might be down to our witches and wizards in year 5! 🧙‍♀️🧙

Our amazing year 5 and 6 art gallery

Last night we held a wonderful art gallery to celebrate our expeditionary learning. The children’s artwork looked amazing displayed in frames they had made and decorated themselves. It was fantastic to see so many members of our families join us in the hall last night to share in the children’s learning journey. There were many proud faces – both children and adult – along with lots of words of praise for the children’s achievements. Thank you for the donations made; we will be giving this to the World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals.

Check out the link to see photos from the night.

Crew 5/6 Community Crew Champions ✨

Wow! What an absolutely beautiful Community Crew Meeting this morning in Crew 5/6! It was wonderful to hear of all the amazing learning everyone has been doing and how our award winners have demonstrated our Character Traits this week!

We had some extra special shout outs and mentions for our Crew Champion winners! What a lovely start to our Thursday Morning!