Year 3/4 phase assembly!

What a wonderful catch up in year 3 and 4 today. Staff gave shout outs to crew members that had gone above and beyond this week in our HOWLs of ‘working hard, being kind and getting smart’. This week a lot of discussion was around children demonstrating hard work in their assessments. Well done to Crew Mumby this week, you narrowly won this week’s Howl point challenge and spun the wheel to win DOUBLE FUNKY FRIDAY TIME!

The challenge is now on in each crew to work hard, be kind and get smart in all that you do to win a spin of the wheel!

I wonder: Discuss with your crew leaders prizes that you’d like to see on our wheel of fortune! Leave a comment below if you wish.


Class 12’s budding scientists!

This week class 12 have been investigating changes of state. Principally, how a solid changes into a liquid. We started by looking at when chocolate melts. Later, we got the thermometers out and observed at what temperature a change of state occurs. I’m so impressed with the thoughtful predictions and conclusions the children have come up with as well as their accurate use of thermometers.

Class 12 creating their Brilliant Brownie packages!

This week, Class 12 have been designing and creating the packaging for their Brownies which they are planning to deliver to key workers as a small token of appreciation for all the great things that so many have done in these challenging times. I’m so proud of the patience they have shown and how they have thoughtfully and accurately used critique to improve their designs. Well done!!!


Thanks to all who have entered the pumpkin competition. The deadline for entries is 12pm today. Unfortunately any entries received after this time will not be part of the judging. One winner per phase will be announced and all entries will receive a small treat on their return to school next Monday. Details of the competition are below:

🎃🍁🍂Happy half term 🎃🍁🍂

At Green Top we are sad that family learning can’t take place as it would usually in our classrooms and therefore we have pledged to have a family learning activity each half term for the whole school community to get involved with.

The first family learning challenge will be a ‘Carve or Decorate your own pumpkin’ competition. This competition will be judged on 31st October. There can be one entry per child and all entries must be entered by a photograph sent to [email protected] by the 12pm Tuesday 27th October. As photographs are entered they will be blogged on the website for all to see. All students who enter will receive a ‘treat’ on their return to school on 2nd November.

In addition one winner will be selected from each phase. Winners will be announced on October 31st.

Crew Oldridge Accelerated Reader Winners!

At the start of year 4, like Mr Mumby, I challenged Crew Oldridge to work hard on their reading skills and really value their reading time. Every time a member of our crew scores over 80% on a quiz, they receive a raffle ticket that goes into our half-termly draw. The children have been working really hard as there were over 200 tickets in the tub.

I’m delighted to say that our winners this term were Faith Hawker and Ruby Nweke. They have each won an amazon voucher.

The raffle for next term has already begun and we are already wondering who our next lucky winners will be.

Well done to all the hard working readers of Crew Oldridge!