Super teamwork Crew Jackson

This morning during crew we worked together to play listening games. We then went on to take it in turns to guide our blind folded partner, using verbal instructions and sound signals, through an obstacle course. Afterwards the children reflected on how specific their instructions were, how trust was an important part of crew and how being blind folded made them feel.  It also made some think about how well they know their left and right!

Mrs Jackson

Berlin Wall artwork

Yesterday we made links between the segregation in the story ‘Mixed’ and the history of the Berlin Wall. The children were able to use their knowledge of World War 2 to understand how and why Germany was divided. We went on to produce artwork similar to that which was graffitied on the Berlin Wall, showing our thoughts about important matters like peace, freedom, saving our planet and racism.  Here are some of our finished pieces.

Superb silent discussions

Well done Crew Jackson for taking part in a silent discussion about our transition text ‘Mixed’. You all gave fantastic mature opinions and I was very impressed with your working attitude. Keep up the hard work!

Mrs Jackson

Crew Jackson shoe tower challenge

Well done to the children who arrived this morning in time to take part in our crew challenge. The worked really hard to collaborate, discuss ideas and problem solve so they could make the tallest free standing tower of shoes. Great perseverance guys!




Raffle Winners!! 🎟 Check Your Tickets!

The winning tickets for the Year 6 raffle have been drawn. There are 14 prizes in total so make sure that you check your ticket as there is a great chance of winning. Thank you to all local and small businesses who have donated a wonderful prize, as well as all of those who bought raffle tickets. Whilst not everyone will be able to win a prize, your kindness and generosity has gone a long way towards providing leavers hoodies and a few nice treats for our Year 6’s in the final week. Thank you!


  • Mystery Bag 1 – Orange 927 – Amelia C (Class 17)
  • Mystery Bag 2 – Orange 715 – Alan S (Class 18)
  • Zed Candy Sweet Hamper – Blue 92 – Keira F (Class 18)
  • £10 off Beauty Voucher (Beautology) – Orange 264 – Jayne Rodgers
  • Gelish Voucher (Lolly D Nails) – Orange 788 – Charlotte S (Nursery)
  • Pedicure Voucher (Lolly D Nails) – Orange 699 – Freya W (Class 15)
  • 12 Cupcakes (Cupcakes_andcakes_galore) – Green 280 – Scott S (Class 18)
  • Bath Bomb Hamper (Shimmer Doll Diva) – Blue 340 – Hayley Jeeves
  • Movie Treat Box (Kirstyannco.Design) – Orange 324 – Charlie D (Class 18)
  • Movie Treat Box (Kirstyannco.Design) – Green 348 – Heidi S (Class 18)
  • Afternoon Tea Voucher (Bliss Cafe) – Orange 852 – Brendan W (Class 16)
  • Wax Melt Hamper (Magical Aromas) – Yellow 316 – Kelly Overson
  • Chocolate Bouquet (Coll’s Party Sweets) – Blue 178 – Isobel H (Class 19)
  • Celebration Cake Voucher (Sugar Rush) – Green 298 – Sophie L (Class 17)

Prizes are available for collection from the school office.

School Raffle 🎟

Here are the list of raffle prizes that have been kindly donated so far from businesses and individuals within the local community. Any further donations, no matter how big or small, would be hugely appreciated. If there are any further donations, please could they be brought into school by Wednesday 30th June. The final deadline to purchase tickets (£1 per strip) will be Friday 2nd July, with all proceeds going towards Year 6 hoodies and celebrations. Anyone is welcome to buy tickets, just send money into school in a labelled envelope and class teachers will ensure it makes its way to the right place. Thank you for your generosity, all of those who have donated – check out the business pages below.

  • £80 Celebration Cake Voucher – Sugar Rush (Facebook)
  • Afternoon Tea Voucher – Bliss Cafe (Thorne)
  • Chocolate Bouquet – Coll’s Party Sweets (Facebook)
  • 2 x Movie Treat Boxes (Raffled Individually) – Kirstyannco.Design (Facebook)
  • Bath Bomb Hamper – Shimmer Doll Diva (Facebook)
  • Wax Melt Hamper – Magical Aromas (Facebook)
  • £10 Beauty Voucher – Beautology (Facebook)
  • Gelish Voucher – Lolly D Nails (Facebook)
  • Pedicure Voucher – Lolly D Nails (Facebook)
  • 12 Gluten-Free Cupcakes Voucher – Cupcakes_andcakes_galore (Instagram)

More images and updates to follow soon.

Kind critique

Earlier this week in expedition the children verbally gave such kind comments about each other’s work so I decided today we would go on a gallery work and record our notices and praises. Wow!!! What kind, thoughtful children we have in class 12! Using the remember to list linked to our propaganda posters for joining the Women’s Land Army, the children went around the room and gave kind and specific feedback to their peers. Brilliant work guys. I am so proud of each and every one of you.

Mrs Jackson

What do we know about quadrilaterals?

This morning in Class 12 the children worked collaboratively to do roll on the wall all about quadrilaterals. They took it in turns from their team to go out and look at the information, return to their group and record what they could recall. I was so impressed with their work hard attitudes, recall of the names of the different quadrilaterals and understanding of their properties. Keep up the hard work guys!

Mrs Jackson

Leading our own learning in Class 12

This week in class 12 the children have been learning all about the roles of women in WW2. They found it strange that before the war women didn’t do all the jobs they do now! Yesterday the children worked collaboratively to complete a jigsaw of Land Army Propaganda posters and from this could draw lots of information to tell me about what it used to be like. The children are currently working on creating their own propaganda posters with catchy slogans and appropriate pictures. I can’t wait to see their final work!

Mrs Jackson