Dress up day and Family learning – KS1!

This Friday (6.9.24), it is our dress up day to hook the children into their Expedition. They are welcome to come as anything medieval! They could be kings, queens, dragons or jesters – whatever links to castles, but please don’t worry about buying a costume!

On Tuesday 15th October it is the Family learning for Year 1. This will begin at 1.30 in the afternoon.

For Year 2, your family learning is on Thursday 17th October. This will again be at 1.30 in the afternoon.

We look forward to seeing you all and the amazing costumes!

Class 6 Colour Run

A perfect end to an amazing week! There are no words to describe today…so I’ll let the pictures do the talking…Can’t express how proud I am of you all….I know we are going to have the best year ever!!!

See you next week Superstars xx

Welcome to Year 1

We are excited to welcome all of our new parents and children to Year 1. We will keep parents up to date with things that are happening in school through our class blogs. Today we wanted to share a few expectations that help to keep Year 1 running smoothly.

  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. If it is not labelled staff will label it. This ensures we have no lost property in school.
  • Please ensure children bring a bag to school each day to keep their belongings safe. Children are asked to keep many things safe in their backpack and it also helps children to carry all of their belongings at the end of the day (water bottles, jumpers, cardigans, reading books, letters etc)
  • All children should bring a water bottle filled with water only every day
  • Please remember we have a no toys rule in school – please keep all toys/teddy bears etc at home
  • All children will need a PE kit consisting of a dark green T-Shirt, Black shorts and trainers or pumps. These will be needed from the week beginning 9th September. We ask that all children bring their PE kits to school on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. For this reason it would be helpful if children’s PE kit was in a separate bag to their every day backpack.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher in person or via email.

We are looking forward to a super year in Year 1. We have some great expeditions, visits and visitors lined up for the children to enjoy. More information will be shared soon!

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers

Class 6 Day 3

Today has been a busy one! The children are settling in so well and have worked their socks off. We began by playing team building games then did some fab partner work in phonics. We then deepened our understanding of the harm caused to our world by green house gases and pollution in the oceans. We listened to stories about polar bears and penguins and began to make posters for other classes to encourage them to ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ just like we are! And we still have tomorrow’s Colour Run to look forward to.

I’m so proud of you all!

Y1 and Y2 homework menus and parents overview.

Apologies to those parents who could not access these menus. We are looking into the issue. In the meantime below is a link to the Parent Overview and a screenshot of each year group’s Homework Menu.

Expedition Parent Overview

Children should be able to access these menus at any time from the KS1 Extended Study section in the ‘Children’ drop down menu on the front page of the blog if they are logged on with their own Green Top email address.

Please let me know if you have any more problems

Miss Rodgers

Afternoon fun with Class 6 in our XP Outdoors area

Unfortunately, Mr Kershaw was unexpectedly called away this afternoon so we were unable to take part in the exciting activity he had planned for us. Despite this we still enjoyed our afternoon playing on the trim-trail and the astro-turf, taking part in running games and listening to a story in the camp tents…plus Mr Kershaw has promised us another outdoor session next week to make up for today!

Thanks Mr Kershaw. We’re already looking forward to it.

KS1 Dress Up Day

To hook our children into our new expedition we will be having a Medieval dress up day Friday 6th September. We invite children to dress up for a special day of medieval fun! If your child does not have an outfit please do not worry! They can wear their own party clothes and we will ensure they make some accessories to compliment their outfit (crowns fit for a king/queen/prince/princess etc).

We can’t wait to see you all dressed up!

Example costumes – King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Knight, Dragon

Awesome first day in Class 6

For the first week in our new class we are trying to answer the guiding question, ‘ How does what I do impact others?’. We began to learn a song that showed us how some of our actions are hurting our world. We then thought of some changes we can make to help our world feel better. After lunch we went on a litter hunt in our playground, then counted and categorised what we had collected and made a bar chart to show our findings. We also realised that all the litter we collected can be recycled in some way. Why not ask your child to explain? I’m so proud of them all for the way they have settled into their new class and after the work they have produced today, I’m so excited for the year ahead.

See you tomorrow, Superstars!

Year 2 Transition!

What a great time it has been getting to work with our new Year 2s. We have worked on our understanding of emotions, how our body can feel in that situation and watched parts of Inside Out to understand emotions further.

We then created our own emotion monsters! It has been so much fun getting to know you all and I can’t wait to be your teacher next year! 🙂