Today is book changing day. Please remember to return your books to school.
Thank you
Today is book changing day. Please remember to return your books to school.
Thank you
This morning in crew time class 6 found out what bullying is…and also what it isn’t. We talked about the effects doing or saying unkind things has on others. We talked about the definition of bullying – deliberate behaviour that is done to hurt or upset someone over an ongoing period of time, and that it can be done by an individual or a group of people. We lalsoearned that there are different types of bullying….
Physical – hurting someone’s body or the things that belong to that person.
Verbal – saying mean and unkind things about another person.
Social – a form of indirect bullying where a person is excluded or left out and others are encouraged others to do the same
Cyber – sending unkind messages or spreading rumours about someone on the internet.
We also found out how to prevent being bullied and what to do if it happens to us.
Check out the video below for more information.
Just a reminder to join us if you can tomorrow afternoon for our presentation of learning. We can’t wait to share our new food preparation skills with you while making a tasty and healthy meal that we have planned ourselves and earning the Shrinky Dink charms that we created at the beginning of term. The fun starts at 2pm. We hope to see you all there!
Class 6 x
Today, we worked on our shooting skills!
We had a fantastic morning at the new Thorne Memorial park on Friday. We were very proud to be the first school children to be invited to try out the fantastic new equipment and ride the train. If you visit be sure to look out for the friendship stones, fairy doors and bug hotels that we have left.
We had so much fun last week investigating all sorts of forces. We participated in lots of different experiments including air resistance, floating and sinking and gravity. We made parachutes and air powered rockets and tested out how much cargo our tin foil boats would carry. The children asked lots of ‘what if’ questions and we had held very scientific evaluations of the products we made.
I am very proud of you all Class 6!
After working super hard this term and accelerating our learning we managed to fit in a sneaky treat on Friday! We spotted Mr Pickles with the chicks from EYFS and managed to convince him to let us have a little peek! Well done my superstar phonics learners – I am so proud of how hard you have all been learning and we have seen some AMAZING progress! Keep up the hard work.
A huge well done to all of our winners this week. We had lots of boys celebrating HoWl points this week, some super stewards, fantastic mathematicians on numbots and tt rockstars, as well as our fantastic crew champions this week. It was great to hear about your craftsmanship and quality and the respect you have been showing.
Also, a huge well done to Crew Schon with 100% again…you are smashing it this term…well done!
Miss Schon’s Group: This week we have been doing our assessments. All children are doing great at remembering their phonics and reading words. Some children are struggling a little with their red words or reading fluency. Keep practising your reading at home as often as possible as we have been doing so well with our memory skills now we need to keep up the practise!
This week our sound is /ue/ Blue Glue
Miss Rodger’s Group: This week the children are learning the final split digraph sound /u-e/ huge cube. Next week the children will take part in their next assessment to see how they are progressing with their learning.
Miss Schon’s group have also been pre-learning all the split digraph sounds. Here is a video that explains how we read these sounds in a word.
Miss Cooper’s group: This week Miss Cooper’s group are learning the trig /ear/ – Near and Dear. This week Miss Cooper’s group will be taking part in their next assessment to check on their learning progress.
Well done to our superstars this week!