A wonderful start to Maths Week!

We’ve had a great start to Maths Week with lots of the Y5/6 children guessing how many sweets are in the tub, lots of great, engaging maths lessons, and lots of lovely maths stories shared in crew!

The LC have loved going in to the Y3/4 maths lessons to see maths in action and they are looking forward to going in to Y5/6 maths lessons tomorrow!

Here is a sneak peak of all the wonderful maths that Y3/4 have been up to today!

Delicious Chocolate Frogs!

Thank you to Brendan (and mum!) and his friends who spent time making everyone in Year 6 their own chocolate frog linking to our recent learning on Harry Potter!

They were super thoughtful, delicious and very much appreciated!

Here are some photos of them working hard to make them!

Wellbeing Crew

Year 6 enjoyed a lovely wellbeing crew this morning where we looked at different feelings and how we might recognise those feelings on others and in ourselves. We then discussed who we might share our feelings with whether they were good or bad! We made paper chains with the names of all our trusted people who we would feel safe talking to to remind us that there is always someone to listen to us!

The Industrial Revolution

During our expedition session today, we had a silent discussions answering lots of different questions about the Industrial Revolution. I was really impressed with how to the children followed the protocols for a silent discussions and I was super impressed with their knowledge and recall when answering the questions!

Community Crew – Diwali

The celebration of Diwali this year falls on 4th November. In Community Crew today, we looked at the festival of Diwali and the reasons behind why it is celebrated. We really enjoyed learning about the different elements of Diwali and even made our own light lanterns. We ended our Community Crew session by thinking about our hopes for the year ahead and the children had lots of lovely hopes and wishes!

Welcome back!

It was so lovely to have my crew back today and listening to all of their wonderful half term stories!

To kick start our day, we started with our crew session where we focused on target setting using our HoWLs rubric. Each group had to put back together a sliced up rubric and I have to say I was really impressed with everyone’s knowledge and understanding!

From there, we have set our weekly targets which I hope that we meet by the end of the week!

Well done Crew Knowles!

We are Historians!

During our expedition lesson today we have been researching some of the people who have influenced the history of British rail. These people included George Stephenson, Richard Trevithick, James Watt and Nigel Gresley. I was so impressed with the research that my crew carried out and the facts that they discovered!

Coaching in maths!

There was lots of great coaching happening in maths today during our addition and subtraction lesson. I’m so proud of everyone!

Y5/6 Family Learning Winners!

Thanks to everyone who had a go on our ‘guess the …’ games!

The winners are listed below. Prizes will be delivered to the children tomorrow!


Guess the lion’s birthday – Alexsis

Guess the elephant’s name – Ruby

Guess the weight of the pumpkin – Grace

Guess the amount of sweets – Lola


Well done everyone!