Come and join us between 8:30 and 9:30 on Friday 29th September to raise money for Macmillan.
If you would like to donate any buns, cakes or cookies, please bring them to the office.
We look forward to seeing you.

Come and join us between 8:30 and 9:30 on Friday 29th September to raise money for Macmillan.
If you would like to donate any buns, cakes or cookies, please bring them to the office.
We look forward to seeing you.
Well done to these children for being Crew champions this week. These children have been paying close attention to our Crew Norms and have demonstrated amazing HOWLs. They have been great role models to all of their friends in Reception .
Well done
Mrs Wallace and Miss Carter
Well done to these children for being our HOWL point winners this week. You have been showing us every single day that you are awesome and that you are doing amazing learning and producing beautiful work.
Well done
Mrs Wallace and Miss Carter
We had such a lovely visit to enhance our learning of our Expedition question , “What do stories tell us about Autumn?”
We had an amazing time hunting for the Gruffalo on the Gruffalo Trail and in the afternoon we were inspired by our beautiful surroundings and made some lovely nature art.
A special and enormous thankyou to all of our adults that joined us for the day. Without you, visits like this would not be possible for our children so huge thanks from all of us!
The children did amazingly well and we were so proud of them.
Mrs Wallace and Miss Carter
Tomorrow both Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) will have a visit from The Yorkshire Owl Experience. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to see Owls close up and learn more about them to go with our current Expedition. If you would like to contribute towards the cost of this experience please see the link on Parent Pay. We cant wait to share the photos with you tomorrow.
EYFS team
This week the children have been practicing hearing their first set of phonemes in words s/a/t/p, fast blending the phonemes to say words and at breaking down the phonemes in a word!
We have been writing the grapheme in lots of different ways to become more confident and remember how to form the graphemes correctly!
Congratulations to these super stars! The boys have worked really hard to be confident, independent and kind members of Crew Carter! Keep shining Henry, Fox, Romeo and Noah!
The children are showing their interest by being mathematicians, builders and artists! Here are just some of our snapshots!
Reception children have created the most beautiful Autumnal trees to show their Crew norms. The children shared their ideas and grouped them together to talk about our habits of work and learning. (HOWLS) We talked about what we need to do to be kind, work hard and get smart. We talked about our character traits that we are developing such as compassion and then wrote our ideas on the leaves. Here is our beautiful work.
Hi everyone!
Just a reminder that our reception fieldwork is this Thursday (14th)
Children to please where uniform t-shirt and jumper with appropriate bottoms and shoes for the weather and walking. They may also need a raincoat due to the current forecast.
Your child will be provided with a school packed lunch UNLESS you inform your class teacher that you will be providing one.
Please can children arrive for 8:30 promptly for registration before the coach arrives at 9am. We will arrive back to school for 3pm. Please collect children from their class door or from after school club at 4pm if they are booked in.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email Miss Carter on [email protected] or speak with your class teacher.
Miss Carter