Dear children,
As we approach the end of the 2019/20 school year and start to think about your transition into your next year group in 2020/21, as we do every year, we’d like to know who you’d like to be in a class with in the new school year.
This is an opportunity for you to select 4 friends you’d like to be in a class with and we will consider your requests when also considering who you work well with, how you have collaborated in your classes this year and whether you’ve clashed with any children his year causing you to lose Funky Friday time. We will match at least one of your selections and more if possible. You may name 4 children from the whole school year but must include children from your current class. You have until 12pm Thursday to share your choices. Please email your current phase leader with your requests. If we don’t receive your requests by 12pm Thursday we will be unable to guarantee at least one match. We will only consider one request per child so please make sure you’re happy before you make your request.
[email protected] (For current nursery and reception children)
[email protected] (For current Year 1 and Year 2 children)
[email protected] (For current Year 3 and Year 4 children)
[email protected] (For current Year 5 children)
This is very unusual and we would typically have a crew circle and discuss this with the children in school, we are hoping to keep as much consistency as possible and therefore some classes will remain as they are now.
Further transition information will be shared over the next few days. Please subscribe to the website in order to not miss our messages.
Mrs Claira Salter

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