In phonics we have been recapping the sounds /ai/ /ee/ and /igh/ we have also been challenging ourselves to read and write longer words. We have worked our socks off!

In phonics we have been recapping the sounds /ai/ /ee/ and /igh/ we have also been challenging ourselves to read and write longer words. We have worked our socks off!
In phonics this week we have been practising the sounds we have learned so far with a focus on recalling j v w x y z and zz.
Our new sounds this week are the qu ch and sh digraphs. We have done lots of fun activities but our favourite was a phonics quiz!
We have had lots of children keen to practise their reading and writing skills during their provision time.
In phonics Lab this week we learned how to write a simple caption. We started by sounding out the words ‘it is a…’ and then we added the final word. We did 2 together with our teacher and then we had a go by ourselves without looking at any prompts. These are our independent attempts!
This week in phonics Lab we have learned to recognise the letters j, v and w. We have been practising our reading and writing skills. Look at our super lists of animal waiting to see the vet! We have to segment the sounds in the word we want to write and write the matching letters. Lots of us are now doing this independently.
In our final cycle of Literacy Labs we read the book ‘When Grandma Gave Me a Lemon Tree’. We had so much fun making and tasting lemonade and serving it from our lemonade stands. The children even helped to make their own lemonade stand too. I was really impressed with how many children wanted to make signs for the lemonade stands.