Would you like to have a go at winning our cute reindeer? Bring in 50p next week to have a go at guessing his name!
Key stage 1 panto
What a fantastic way to start our two Christmas weeks at school. We had so much fun…oh yes we did! There was lots of laughter, singing, screaming and fun had by everyone. Thank you to friends of Green top again for supporting us financially to make this opportunity happen.
Y5/6 Christmas Disco
The Year 5/6 Christmas disco will take place on Thursday 12th December straight after school 3.15 – 4.15pm.
Children will not need money as treats will be provided. They also won’t need to get changed as it is already Christmas jumper / non uniform day on Thursday!
Pick up will be from normal classroom doors at 4.15pm.
Any questions, please contact class teachers or [email protected]
Christmas Jumper Day!
On Thursday 12th December, join us in wearing your Christmas jumper / clothes (non-uniform) to school to raise awareness of the ‘Save the Children’ charity.
If you would like to make a donation to Save the Children, please visit https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/donate
We can’t wait to see your jumpers!
Y6 Space Lecture
Well done Y6 for your awesome space lecture on Thursday. We were all so proud of you standing up their and delivering your lecture to parents. Everyone spoke clear and with great confidence and your slides and script showed how much hard work you have done throughout the expedition. Well done Y6!
REMINDER: Bake sale tomorrow
Here are just a sample of some of the buns on sale tomorrow. Please bring 50p to buy a bun. All money raised will go to Year 6 Leavers events. Thank you for your support.
Class 9 | Panto Workshop
Some photos from our panto workshop last week. It was great to see all of the children getting involved with acting out the story of A Christmas Carol.
Class 9 | Editing and Improving
Class 9 have been working hard to edit and improve their diaries this week! We have been writing from the perspective of someone who has experienced a night during the Blitz.
Headteachers Weekly Newsletter – issue 12
Sharing our Stories: 06/12/2024
Beautiful Work This Week
Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust over the last two weeks! To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit xptrust.org.