Year 2 PE!

Year 2 PE will be on a Wednesday.

Please remember to send your children with the correct PE gear, which is a green/white polo shirt, shorts/leggings and a jumper or jacket if required because of the colder weather, as well as trainers. Please remember not to send children with football/other sports kits! 🙂

We always recommend bringing a bag with your PE kit and having everything labelled with your child’s name.

Dress up day and Family learning – KS1!

This Friday (6.9.24), it is our dress up day to hook the children into their Expedition. They are welcome to come as anything medieval! They could be kings, queens, dragons or jesters – whatever links to castles, but please don’t worry about buying a costume!

On Tuesday 15th October it is the Family learning for Year 1. This will begin at 1.30 in the afternoon.

For Year 2, your family learning is on Thursday 17th October. This will again be at 1.30 in the afternoon.

We look forward to seeing you all and the amazing costumes!

Class 9 | Home Learning!

Well done to Phoenix who has been learning about the ‘Make do and Mend’ campaign during the Second World War, where people were encouraged to repair and reuse clothing when possible. Phoenix has been practising using his mum’s sewing machine and over locker and we can’t wait to see what items he can make!

Class 12 – Evacuation

We have all enjoyed a lovely trip to our local Methodist Church today. Where the children were asked to put themselves in the shoes of the children who were evacuated during WW2. They used some wonderful vocabulary to describe feelings which made me very proud! We also had a short introduction to one of our new class texts which shared the evacuation story of the main character, Lennie.

Ask them at home what they can remember about how the evacuation process worked or what they were allowed to take with them in their suitcase!

Here they are looking sad (on purpose) and working hard in some of the activities we asked them to take part it.

Class 12 : WW2 planes

We kicked started our day with a small but lovely activity to add to the immersion of our classroom. The children coloured wooden pegs and lolly sticks in camouflage patterns and colours to create quick and easy ww2 planes! The finished outcome looked amazing I can’t wait to get them all up in display!

Year 3/4 | Evacuation Day!

This morning, the children were getting crafty by creating World War 2 planes out of clothes pegs.

We then learnt about evacuation during the Second World War, and looked at how children would each have their own gas mask to take with them. This led to us making our very own gas mask boxes!

In the afternoon, we were lucky enough to visit Thorne Methodist Church. We imagined ourselves as evacuees and wrote letters home to our parents!

Class 9 | Home Learning!

Well done to Arnie who has been creating a set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich. This was part of his learning around evacuee children during the Second World War. Well done Arnie!