Extended Study – New Year Pledges!

What are your New Year pledges? Is there anything you want to work on this year?

To welcome in the New Year, our next Extended Study challenge is to create New Years pledges, posters or kindness stones that we can display around school.

Next week, Crew Councillors will be completing these and presenting in Crew time as examples for you to use.

Keep an eye out for the blog for examples! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Year 3 XP Outdoors- Flint & Steel

Year 3 Crews began their XP Outdoors again for the spring term. 

The challenge: Who still remembers how to use flint and steel was done by Year 4 yesterday so obviously Year 3 had to beat them.

They challenged themselves even more without having any instructions, there were some questionable strikes to start, but soon everyone got the hang of it with amazing efforts from all.

What another great way to start the term-bring it on, Year 3!

Young Voices – Updates

Young Voices is quickly approaching. Your child will be coming home this week with a letter that needs completing and returning to school as soon as possible please!

T-shirts have arrived and will be handed out to children on the day of the concert. Young Voices have informed me that adult tickets will be sent to school a week before the event. These will be printed and sent home as soon as they arrive.

A reminder that Young Voices is taking place on Tuesday 28th January – Children will be leaving school on the coach at 12pm once they have eaten their lunch and will return at approx 9:30pm. Children will also need a packed lunch for their tea.

** UPDATE – 2 Adult tickets have become available for the evening of the event – if you would like to purchase one of these tickets please see me ASAP **

Thank you so much!

Mrs Spetch

Class 9 | Mr Taylor SLC Appointments

I still have some time slots available for those parents who haven’t yet booked a place for their child’s SLC appointment. The children have been spending time this week looking back through all of the different pieces of work that they are proud of.

If you still need an appointment, please email me or see me on the school door at either the beginning or end of the day. Thank you.

Class 8 super art work

We have been busy this afternoon hooking the children into their new expedition. The guiding question is ‘How can I be the healthiest version of me?’. We will be looking at the different food groups and learning some new skills in our food design and technology lessons, such as cutting, grating and peeling.

Today they chose their own fruit or vegetable and their own medium for us to use on our display. I was really impressed with the effort today! Can’t wait for tomorrow!

Class 8 – Mrs Shaw – SLC appointment

Here are the rest of my free appointments for any parents who still need to book an SLC appointment with me. Your children have all been practising and are ready to share their time at school with you.

Please speak to Mrs Shaw to book your appointment. Thanks