Crew Knowles – Family Learning!

We had a lovely family learning session this afternoon – the first one of Year 6! The children and their adults researched planets to create beautiful posters of our solar system! As always, I was so impressed with the creativity from everyone and they look lovely on display! Thank you!

Year 5 PE and XP Outdoors!

Year 5 PE and XP outdoors will take place on Thursdays. This will require two different kits so children will need to be prepared!

PE kits should be plain green or white t-shirts and black shorts or long bottoms. Trainers will be needed for PE.

Further information about XP outdoor kits can be found below:

This will start from W.C. 09.09.24 – There will be no PE this week due to Family Learning.

Thank you!

Mrs Spetch & Miss Walton

year 2 pe skills

Year 2 have really enjoyed their first PE lesson, which focussed on key skills around throwing, catching and balancing! If you could all practise throwing and catching balls at home with your children, it will really help them this year!
Also, thanks so much for the children bringing their kits today…they looked so smart!
Mr Gerrard and Mrs Shaw

class 8 hook week fun

Class 8 have been immersing themselves into our new expedition about castles and we have been busy decorating the classroom and getting excited about our learning this term.

Mrs Shaw

Sculpture club

Just want to say a big thank you to sculpture club. They were fab at listening and learning about the different paper sculpture techniques this week! Check out what they have done below. A few more techniques to show them next week, but they have been set a challenge to think about what they’d like to start to make. Ensuring they apply some of these techniques to create something 3D!