Max’s amazing recount!

Check out Max’s recount of the music video of Titanium. It is beautifully written and perfectly paints the images with purposeful word choices! Well done Max!!


I Am Titanium 

Exhausted, my body felt like it had been in a fight with Tyson Fury. I sat for a while motionless but I could hear in the distance police sirens . I found a hidden strength within me which I didn’t know I had. I finally opened my eyes which had been firmly shut to try and forget what had just happened. Scattered around me was a sea of destruction; it represented how I was feeling inside broken , messed up and fragile. Slowly like a turtle moving onto my knees , my clothes were damp and I felt cold.  I staggered to my feet , my legs didn’t feel like my own, I could see that they were but I was having an out of body sensation. I inhaled sharply as I could feel I haven’t breathed in a while. The destruction was everywhere , lockers which were once filled with students belongings now thrown to the dirty dusty ground utterly worthless.


The sirens are getting louder ,  I start to walk slowly at first but I pass a classroom . I hear a tremble of fear in a teacher’s voice , I turn back . The teacher who has been like a Miss Honey to her pupils is now scared like I am Miss Trunchbull who is after her. I know now that I am in serious trouble, I pick up speed and I plead with my legs not to give way, knowing I am going to have to bike home. 


I see the entrance doors, I push the doors open, the cold air hits me and takes my breath away. I hear footsteps creeping behind me , I see a police officer has arrived and then do a child-like hide and seek where you hide badly but they know you are still there. The officer is not in the mood for child games. 


I quickly reach for my bike . Adrenaline is pumping through my veins. I am riding my bike like Usain Bolt winning a race. My brain is moving as fast with all my thoughts and feelings. I am playing a game of monopoly on what is going to be my next move not to be sent to jail. 


My heart pumping out of my chest and my legs jelly, I could sense my relief to be finally home. I leaped frogged off my bike whilst it was still in motion . I barged through my white front door. The small family tv was blaring out , but I heard “ Channel 6 news SUPERNATURAL OCCURRENCE AT LOCAL SCHOOL “ the headline grabbed my attention and I turned to look blankly at the screen . 


My body was numb , it had cemented the idea that I was in so much trouble. I dashed to my bedroom and started to grab random items to fill my bag. I heard the screech of tyres pull up outside my home. Shadows of men with guns filled the inside of my home; they were not in my home but they truly felt like they were. My once safe home was now feeling like a prison .


 I headed to the back door as the front door was under attack with officers. I ran past the breakfast mess which was scattered all around the kitchen sides. My gloved hands reached for the door knob it was locked. My eyes were scanning for the bunch of keys to free me. Then the feeling came across, my hidden strength and I lifted my hands and concentrated hard , this is how Maditla must feel. The police officers were in my home shouting FREEZE , STOP , POLICE . I felt this heavy item in my hands. It was the keys I fumbled to open the door and I was greeted with this bright light . I was free. 


The door flew open and I set off like a horse in the grand national. I was determined to get away.  After a while I had to slow my pace down to a gentle walk as my legs were tired and feeling wobbly like jelly.  My head was pounding with thoughts and I just could not understand what had happened. My heart was now at a resting heart beat but I was living on adrenaline . I was stomping through the woods like a brown bear looking for a safe place to rest . Branches were crunching under my shattered feet. 

Suddenly darkness came out of nowhere. Sounds I have never been scared of before were now getting closer . Sirens of police cars. I picked up my pace to jog, then I could feel the police behind me so now I was running as fast as Usain Bolt , I was dodging trees and I was getting further into the woods . 

Suddenly the chase was over, an officer pushed and kicked me , I fell onto the hard ground. So many loud noises , lights beaming into my eyes. I just curled up into a football. I wanted my mum . I just could not take it anymore. I wished for it to be all over and done with. I was a good boy but I had found my hidden strength which had built up inside of me . 

The feeling came back this time it was stronger than ever before. Boom . The police officer flew into the air . It went quiet quickly.

I am Titanium.