We are so proud of all the achievements in key stage 1 and reception today.
We had our weekly house point winners that had been earning top house points for great learning and behaviour. I was so happy to see some of our yellow top wearers up there this morning setting a great example to the rest of school.
We had some amazing achievements in dancing too! Nahla had some beautiful photographs of her medals and she looked stunning in her Irish dancing outfit. It was amazing to see so many medals given out for our girls, well done!
Last but not least we had our gold award reading certificates. These children had read more than a hundred times and got to choose a book from the reading box. We also had lots of other children that were awarded with bronze and silver reading certificates and I was blown away that some were the second or third certificate to be awarded.
What incredibly talented children we have at Green Top! Keep working hard everyone we can’t wait to see what you achieve in the future.