Anti-bullying week

We discussed anti-bullying week in class 12 and spoke about what it meant to all in class, how it can affect children, how children can get help and where from.

We also shared a new story called Red – A crayon’s story. The children loved hearing it and were excited to talk about it. I have set up a competition for class 12 to comment what they think the message in the story is to those who read it. Make sure you comment your ideas below!

Homework of the Week!

Well done Ezra for your creation ! Your house is absolutely stunning and you have worked so hard with your Daddy to create a masterpiece! “I was at my house and I put more paint and more sticks on it when it get broken! The Three Little Pigs!”

Eureka – From chew to the Poo!

What a fun day year 3 had at Eureka yesterday, learning all about the digestive system and the bodies ‘gross’ functions (in the words of year 3)


A massive thank you to our parent support for making the day even more enjoyable and a big well done to the children for setting an amazing example for our school!



Bonfire Night Activities

We have had lots of fun talking about Bonfire Night today and we had lots of fun activities to choose from. The children have come back to school with an amazing attitude. I am so proud of you all!

As well as our fun activities we talked about how to keep our selves and others safe. We loved Fireman Sam’s safety tips.