Congratulations to our learning legends so far this week… ROBYN and ELLA! Well done girls 🙂
Well done to Olivia and Keira who this week have been practising their sewing skills at home. The girls have clearly put a lot of effort into their work and created some fantastic final products. Well done!
As part of our geography case study we have looked at locating and labelling places in the UK using our research skills. We then progressed our learning to locating rivers within the UK and around the world!
Watch our video to see some of our learning in action!
Here is our first school Christmas Kindness Advent Calendar which has been created by the School Council.
There are 31 days of kindness ideas for you to complete. Some are school based and the others are things you can do at home or in and around your community.
You can do each one on the set day or you can pick and choose which to do when, and if you miss some you can maybe do more than one on a certain day! That part is up to you.
All we ask is you share how you have been kind, by talking to us, writing us a letter or by sharing photos or videos!
Let’s all get kind for Christmas!!!
Class 9 were practicing their aw grapheme today and were reading, writing and putting into sentences words with the aw sound. I am super impressed with how much they have improved already.
Super work
Mrs Shaw x
Here is our check out crew the children are using their daily howls rubric which we have made child friendly and smaller so they can all have their own copy. This helps the children assess what their learning and behaviour has been like within the school day and encourages them to reflect on how to improve or continue on the right path. Here they are working hard and sharing thoughts with a friend.
Hi all apologies for the delay in this announcement I was absent last week and not managed to share with school council.
However, the winners have been decided and again it was very difficult to choose but here they are.
For EYFS we have Thea
Josephine for ks1.
Eve for LKS2
Lilly-Grace UKS2
Well done to Teddy and Samantha who were our Learning Legends today.
Miss O’Neill and I were really impressed with you both and you are a credit to your crews.
What better way to practise our attacking and defending skills than a fun game of Piggy-in-the-middle.
Great job Crew Rodgers! Fabulous PE skills.