Mini Kicks

The children really enjoyed their first Mini Kicks session today. They practiced their dribbling skills and kick backs with coach Kyle and we are super excited for our session again next week!

Crew Knowles: immersion

Today we were introduced to our second case study – biology! We are looking forward to building on our KS1 knowledge of plants and animals and learn some of the more in depth characteristics of plants. Today, we created some lovely pictures to help decorate our classroom!

Spring Term Clubs

Please find the link to sign up for spring clubs:

Clubs are capped and once a club is full, it will be taken from the form.  This means, if you apply for a club, your child automatically has a place.  You will not receive separate confirmation. 
Should you wish to access our sunset club, you can book by contacting Mrs Dewsnap: [email protected] . Please include the following details: name, teacher, any allergies/dietary requirements, days required and a Contact number. Sunset club runs from 4pm to 5:30pm daily at £5 per day which should be paid in advance via ParentPay.

*** if you have more than one child this form MUST be completed separately for each child***

Crew Knowles: welcome back!

We’ve had a lovely first day back in Year 4 today! We spent the first part of the morning prepping for our upcoming SLCs and the second part, getting hooked into our science learning!

Our first case study is physics and focuses on electricity. We completed an electricity hunt around school and tried to decide whether the electrical devices were producing heat, movement, sound or light! We then sorted lots of electrical equipment based on whether it was mains or battery powered. A great start to our learning!

Christmas Jumper Day!

National Christmas Jumper Day is on Thursday 8th December and we can’t wait to see all of your festive jumpers!

Jumper Day is ‘Save the Children’s’ annual event which raises money for children in the UK and across the world. Our suggested donated is £1 and would be greatly appreciated.

Check out the link for more information on Christmas Jumper Day!

Accelerated Reader time!

We had a gorgeous Accelerated Reader session on Thursday this week.

We’ve really mastered these norms now and everyone was super engaged and getting lost in reading their books. There were lots of quizzes being passed too!

Also, a huge shout out to those children who have brought their reading packs in everyday this week and also for quizzing at home on your books too. I am noticing a huge difference with our AR data!

Keep it up superstars!

Mrs Faulding x