To continue with our Design and Technology case study and to generate recipes for our book product KS1 have been making healthy desserts. We used skills such as chopping and peeling to create our parfaits which included foods from 3 of the 5 food groups that make up a healthy meal that has made up part of our learning in the case study. Why not ask your child to explain them to you? Below are photographs of the children from class 6 making their desserts. Great job guys…and a huge thanks to Mrs Clay for supervising the activity.
Shared Reading
The children have been working really hard in Shared reading this week and they are getting so much better at answering comprehension questions about the text.
Year 1 Phonics
This week we are learning that ‘ow’ can make an /oa/ sound as in the words ‘blow’ and ‘snow’.
Our Shared Reader this week is called ‘Clever Crows’.
Reception Working hard!
Here are some of our snapshots from this week so far! beautiful work and children working so hard!
Maths Superstars
Today we celebrated our efforts towards improving our maths skills. Lots of the children have been downloading and playing the Numbots and TTRockstars apps and practising their maths skills. Some of the children have also been ultra competitive and come in to school each morning buzzing about their new achievements and comparing scores.
Today we celebrated the children’s achievements so far in our first certificate presentation.
Spencer won the TTRockstars certificate for ’Most Coins Earned’ so far.
Phoenix won the Numbots certificate for ’Most Minutes Played’. Jude was in 2nd place and Spencer in 3rd.
Lots of children also received certificates for passing stages when playing in the story mode.
Well done Class 6 I am so proud of all the effort you are putting into your learning at home as well as at school!
Year 2 Sunflowers
Today in G block year 2 have had a lovely morning painting sunflowers, they’re not quite finished yet but can’t wait to see the finished piece next week!
Great work everyone!
Class 9 measuring up!
Today in maths the children have had lots of fun using their measuring skills on different items in the classroom. Well done everyone it was a great afternoon!
Class 15 – Roots of Empathy 👩🏼🍼
This afternoon, we’ve been lucky enough to have a visit from Baby Chad and Miss Smith. We’ve all enjoyed finding out about his development and asked lots of questions! I think Baby Chad has made some special friends this afternoon too and enjoyed playing and interacting with the children.
A shout out to Clio, Theo and Jacob for playing ‘Peek-a-boo’ with Baby Chad and making him smile! We’re already counting down to seeing him again soon!
Science Club Investigations
We’ve had a busy few weeks in science club and have some great pictures to share. Last week, we investigated with skittles. We predicted whether cold, warm or hot water would make the colours run the quickest. After, we found out that the hot water made the colours run quicker. This was because the particles in the hot water move quicker than in cold, making the colour rub off quicker.
Today, Kianna, Eleanor and Annabelle presented their choice of investigation – DIY Lava Lamps. We talked about how liquids can have different densities and this means that oil and water will stay separate. We added some bicarbonate of soda and watch the bubbles of gas move up.
Your challenge – Can you make your own lava lamps over half term? You could investigate how adding vinegar or lemon juice changes the reaction. You might want to try turning off the lights and adding a torch to get an even better effect. Make sure you take some pictures of your investigations!
Phonics RED words!
The children have been working ever so hard this year with their phonics learning and are doing so well with their reading and writing. Not only do they have to learn to blend and segment green words (decodable words) they also learn to read Red words (sight words). Red words are the words that the children don’t blend or segment and they just know them on sight. To help them further with their confidence of Red words I have added a list below of their first set of Red words and a few fun ways to help them learn them at home. Please send in photographs of your children’s learning or write how well they have done in their reading diary’s.
Have fun!
The Reception Team.
Red words
the, I, he, she, is, to, go, of, as, we, are, you, into.