This week the children in Miss Schon and Miss Rodger’s groups are learning ‘ou – Shout it out’. We are also remembering ‘ow – brown cow’. When spelling words we are learning which words are spelt using /ou/ and which ones are spelt using /ow/. We are also continuing to practise our reading fluency. Can we read sentences fluently without having to sound out the words? The children can practise this in their reading books at home by re-reading sentences or pages in their books so they can see they are able to read faster and more effortlessly. Please encourage children to read their reading books more than once so they feel they have achieved this.
Crew Walton-Experimenting with friction
We had fun testing a variety of surfaces to discover which had the most/least friction!
Crew Walton Bikeability
Due to instructor illness, Crew Walton’s Bikeability sessions are now Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November. The non-rider sessions for all will remain Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th. Please ensure your child brings their equipment and appropriate footwear and bottoms. Thank you.
Crew Knowles – Air Resistance!
We’ve had great fun in our science lessons recently building background knowledge and investigating different forces. Here we are investigating air resistance by making different sized parachutes and measuring the time it took for them to hit the ground. #OgdenTrust
Year 1 Phonics
This week we have been revisiting the /ure/ sound. The children have been really proud of their reading and sentence writing and their new found confidence is really beginning to show. Keep practising year 1 we are so proud of the progress we are seeing!
Class 10 – Faith Day
On Friday, Class 10 enjoyed our Faith Day focus by learning all about the World’s most popular religions. Children created a fact file that compared the symbols, places of worship and sacred books of the five most followed religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. We can’t wait to learn more about the different religions as the year goes on! Well done everyone 🙂
Class 10 – BBK all about rationing in WW2
Today in our Expedition learning, we have been finding out about rationing through a group quiz and reading task to locate the answers. Did you know that rationing lasted for 9 years after the war ended, so 14 years in total!? At home, why not ask us about the foods that were rationed and the mottos ‘Make Do and Mend’ and ‘Dig for Victory!’.
Class 5: Numbots
The children were really excited to find out about Numbots yesterday and we practised some of the levels together as a class. Children have now been given their log-in details so please check children’s backpacks/PE bags to find their log in details and don’t forget to read our earlier post if you would like to find out more about Numbots and how it can help you child with their learning.
Certificates will be given each time children pass a stage e.g. ‘Rust’ stage. We will celebrate Numbots success in school on Thursday’s each week.
Numbots is absolutely brilliant to develop children’s early number skills and these skills will continue to help children as they progress through school. I really hope the children enjoy playing!
Class 5 Achievements
Last week some of our children took part in their first Martial Arts grading. These children attend Nathan Pickles Martial Arts which we are very lucky to hold in our school hall. The children have been working hard over the past few months and were awarded their first colour belt. Well done to Phoebe, Dax and Addison who are now the proud owners of their orange belts!
Class 5 PE
We had lots of fun in our extra PE session with Coach Morgan on Friday. The children’s behaviour and attitude was excellent and it was lovely to see their skills developing throughout the lesson. Eli was chosen as Coach Morgan’s star of the day and Bella was chosen as mine. Both children put lots of effort into improving their movements and there was clear progress from the beginning to the end of the lesson!
It was also fabulous to see the children looking so smart in their PE kits! A lot of time and effort went into ensuring children’s clothing did not get mixed up but please could we request that all PE items are labelled with the children’s name to help us with this. Also please could we request that children are wearing their white T-Shirts for their school uniform and green T-Shirts for PE only as stated in the school uniform policy as this really helps us to check that children have the correct clothing packed away after our PE sessions.
I am already looking forward to our next PE session in Thursday! Please remember to return PE kits on Monday’s ready for our PE lesson later in the week. We only require indoor kits for the time being – Green T Shirt, Black Shorts and a change of shoes (pumps or trainers).
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents of children in Class 5 for being so organised and ensuring children bring their backpacks, water bottles etc into school each day as it is really helping us to keep everyones belongings organised in school.