Year 3 Magna fieldwork

We’ve all had a fantastic day today at Magna. We had a great workshop this morning all about volcanoes and rocks. We’ve explored some exhibitions and managed to have a look in the shop and play on the amazing park before lunchtime. Thank you to all of our parent helpers today we really appreciate you giving up your time to support year 3. Our kids did us proud today setting a great example of how to behave when out and about, we are very proud of you all.

Mr Gerrard, Mrs Pearson, Miss Hilton and Miss O’Neill

Y5&6 Community Crew

Thursday saw our first UKS2 community crew of the summer term and it was clear that all our crews have got off to a great start. Top of the agenda was the battle for accelerated reader, with Crew Ambler still clinging tightly onto first place … which crew will overcome them first?

Congratulations go out to all those children receiving shout outs & HoWL certificates this week, and a huge well done goes to all of this week’s OOTW superstars – keep up your fabulous work!

Reception’s Rainbow

Ks1 skipping week

The children have all been practising their skipping skills this week and we have been keeping a tally of how many skips have taken place across school. I’m so proud of the efforts that the children have put in to learning how to skip and can’t wait for the skipping race on sports day!

Well done guys!

Crew Knowles Rocks!

Today we completed an investigation to find the best rocks for different scenarios. We had to test the different properties of the rocks to find the most suitable rock for a worktop, a statue, a skate park ramp and a roof! This involved sanding, water and using vinegar on the rocks!

Class 11 Geologists!

Class 11 have been working on creating posters to show off their knowledge of the earth and its layers. Moe specifically, they have researched the different types of soils that make up the Earth. We looked into bedrock, parent material, subsoil, topsoil and the final organic layer. The layers were researched through the use of iPads which ensured we could get the really strong knowledge!

Nursery Family Learning

WOW! What a morning! It has been truly fantastic. We loved seeing you all get stuck in and crafty to make some amazing transport models. Thank you to all parents and carers who came to join us. What a special way to kick start our Summer term expedition ’Would you travel by wheels, wings or other things?’