And we’re off!
Year 5 parents……are you thinking about secondary schools for next year?
Crew Jackson – Final Word Presentations
Wow! This week I have been blown away by the confidence of the children when presenting their Final Words to parents. It was so lovely to hear the children share their stories about their time at Green Top and the progress they have made. It has been a pleasure to be part of that journey with them.
Year 5 Crew Celebration – Picnic in Thorne Park!
On Tuesday 11th July, Year 5 will be going for a short walk to Thorne Park for a crew celebration.
The event will take place within school times so children will come to school at usual times and we will be back before the end of the school day. We will be hoping to leave school at 11am and return back at 2:30pm.
Children will need to bring a packed lunch for the picnic but if you would prefer a school packed lunch please let myself or Miss Barnett know.
Mrs Spetch and Miss Barnett x
Sharing Class 8’s stories
We want to show you all of our hard work and amazing achievements outside of our classroom. We’ve got some fantastic footballers, I hope they remember me when they are on the England squad!!! We also have some wonderfully hard working children who have chosen to spend their time at home doing some great home learning, we had our very own amazing authors, some super swimmers and delightful dancers. Class 8 are full of hard working children and we love to celebrate each others achievements. Well done everyone!
A brilliant day out at Bridlington for our Y6 children 🏖️
Money money money
Class 10 have loved using this link to enhance their money adding skills this afternoon. There are easy and hard levels and its super quick to load up and get started. Great work today everyone, its been a pleasure to see you all so excited and engaged in your learning this afternoon.
Miss Hilton
Class 9 have had a lovely chilled pyjamarama day enjoying learning about a new artist Salvador Dali and making Fathers day cards.
Class 6: Pretty Muddy!
Look at these two superstars! Willow and Thomas took part in Pretty Muddy last week and raised hundreds of pounds for charity! We are so proud of them both and the children loved hearing all about it and watching their photos and videos.
Well done superstars!