Class 7 – Another Fantastic Week

Well done to Class 7 on another fantastic week in Year 2. This week we have enjoyed lots of hook activities to engage us in our learning and we look forward to getting started with our expedition and Year 2 curriculum next week. We have enjoyed team games, such as tying ourselves into a human knot and working together to untangle ourselves … great problem solving boys and girls, keep it up!

Our Superhero dress up day has been fantastic and a huge thank you for everyone taking part – you all looked amazing. Here’s to a super weekend for you all!

Class 5 – Helping Hands

I am super proud of Class 5 today. Not only have they shown some fantastic learning habits but their behaviour on our visit to Sainsbury’s was fantastic. The children walked sensibly all the way there and back. The children really enjoyed helping to pack the shopping for the customers. The staff were so kind and welcoming towards the children. Well done class 5 for spreading some joy around our local community. As well as being super kind helpers the children certainly made lots of people smile today!

VR workshop- The Amazon

Today we were lucky enough to experience VR and bring our learning to life! From ants scurrying on the forest floor to gazing at sloths within the trees, we were able to learn about the four layers like we were there- amazing!

Crew Hilton/ Dutton

We’ve started our art work for The Great Fire of London. We have created backgrounds with flames and started to cut out some silhouettes to show some buildings. Keep checking the blog to see the finished art work this week.

Keep up the great work class 7!

Class 5 – Making an impact

Today we have been exploring our guiding question ‘How does what I do impact others?’ Today we did a litter pick around school and we sorted materials that could be recycled. We also played a fun memory game in our crew session and practised our phonics skills. The children have been awesome again today. I think it is going to be a fantastic year!

Great first day back!

We’ve had a lovely first day in our new class in year 2! We cant wait to show you all what we have been working on today, hopefully we can bring them home soon and share them with our grown ups.

See you all tomorrow.

Miss Hilton and Mrs Clay

New to Y6- Camp/ Rother Valley Kit list

Hello Y6,

I hope you are having an enjoyable Summer break and you’ve had chance to recharge. The Y6 staff are really excited to welcome you back next week; in the meantime I am sending out a kit list in preparation for our exciting plans for your first week in Y6! As you will remember, we have an action-packed day planned at the gorgeous Rother Valley Country Park followed by an overnight camp on the school grounds. Here is a list of the items you will need in preparation for a day of fun and crew building:

Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂

Mr Mumby