Class 5 – Making an impact

Today we have been exploring our guiding question ‘How does what I do impact others?’ Today we did a litter pick around school and we sorted materials that could be recycled. We also played a fun memory game in our crew session and practised our phonics skills. The children have been awesome again today. I think it is going to be a fantastic year!

Great first day back!

We’ve had a lovely first day in our new class in year 2! We cant wait to show you all what we have been working on today, hopefully we can bring them home soon and share them with our grown ups.

See you all tomorrow.

Miss Hilton and Mrs Clay

New to Y6- Camp/ Rother Valley Kit list

Hello Y6,

I hope you are having an enjoyable Summer break and you’ve had chance to recharge. The Y6 staff are really excited to welcome you back next week; in the meantime I am sending out a kit list in preparation for our exciting plans for your first week in Y6! As you will remember, we have an action-packed day planned at the gorgeous Rother Valley Country Park followed by an overnight camp on the school grounds. Here is a list of the items you will need in preparation for a day of fun and crew building:

Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂

Mr Mumby

Crew Knowles

It was so lovely to have my class back today! To celebrate the end of history week and the end of transition week, they created some beautiful artwork! I was so impressed watching the children choose to work with new people based on the new friendships that have been made during transition!

Blasting off into Year 4!

Wow, what a lovely day we have had in Crew Knowles today! We have really enjoyed celebrating history week too! We have researched the famous astronaut Yuri Gagarin and learn that he was the first man in space! We also completed some beautiful artwork!

Class 7 graduation day

Just when I thought I couldn’t be prouder of this bunch of superstars, today happened! It’s hard to believe that just 10 and a half months ago these shy, quiet little people came into my classroom, all wide-eyed and unsure of what to expect and look at them now! Confident, polite and hard-working, ready to face the challenges of year two.

Happy graduation day class 7. I wish you all nothing but the best for your future!

I sure will miss you. 🥺

Class 6 Graduation

Well, what a year it has been. Today Class 6 celebrated their Year 1 Graduation Day! We had a lovely day reflecting on our year and sharing the things we are proud of. Class 6 you have been absolutely awesome and it has been a privilege to be your teacher. Wishing you lots of luck on your new adventure as you enjoy your transition days in Year 2. Have lots of fun, I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Children will bring home their graduation photos later in the week!