Y3/4 Presentation of learning

We are delighted to invite parents and families to our Presentation of Learning for our expedition, The Power of Life: What Makes Us Human? This special event will take place in the school hall on Wednesday, 26th March at 2:00 PM.

Our pupils have been working incredibly hard, exploring the fascinating aspects of what makes us who we are. From the science of the human body to the emotions and connections that shape us, they are excited to showcase their learning with you.

Please fill out the form below to confirm your attendance at the event.

Sign up here!

See you on the 26th March at 2:00 PM!

Savoy- SEND Friendly Cinema

Doncaster Parent Voice are delighted to announce that they are holding a SEND friendly cinema screening at the Savoy in Doncaster. This screening is for SEND children, young people and their families.

Please find the details below:
1st April 2025
Film starts at 12.00pm – 3.00pm
Savoy Cinema, Sir Nigel Gresley Square Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU

The film to be shown will be announced closer to the date, we will post this on our Facebook page

Single ticket cost £1.50
Family of 4 ticket cost £5.00
Additional seats ticket cost £1.50
(cash payment will be taken on the day)

To book please click on the link below:
We will send a booking confirmation email to confirm your place(s).


Extended Study – Science Week – Thursday

What do you know about the water cycle? Can you remember the water cycle song?

Use your new knowledge of the water cycle to have a go at making your own water cycle. Take pictures of what you have done to show your crew. Use the video below to help you –

Class 5: Super Swimmers!

Congratulations to Addison and Eli who have reached the next stage in their swimming classes! We are all super proud of you! We love to celebrate your out of school achievements and see what you have been up to!

Reception are mathematicians!

Last week in maths the reception children have been exploring matching number and quantities. Here is our collaborative team challenge! We had to work together to build the highest tower in a minute. We had to compare how many bricks were in the tallest and smallest towers and then had the extra challenge of building them all with the same amount of bricks! Here are some of our moments in action

Science Week

Next week as part of science week, we will be taking part in range of activities linked to the wonderful world of science! Keep your eyes on the blog to see all the wonderful work we will be doing!

Year 1 Fire Lighting – XP Outdoors

This afternoon, Year 1 students had an exciting XP Outdoor session as they learned the skill of fire lighting using flint and steel!

We discovered how sparks are made by striking flint against steel. With patience, focus, and plenty of determination, they practiced creating tiny sparks—watching in amazement as they ignited cotton wool to start a very small fire.

Not only was it fun but also a fantastic way to learn about fire safety, resilience, and the behind the scenes of fire making. The children worked together, encouraging each other and celebrating every successful spark. Well Done Year 1!!!

XP Outdoors- Pancake Day with Year 4

This morning, Year 4 students had a fantastic time celebrating Pancake Day in XP Outdoors! Instead of simply enjoying ready-made pancakes, the children took full control—mixing their own batter and cooking pancakes over an open fire.

With some support, the students carefully measured flour, eggs, and milk before whisking it all together to create the mix. Then came the exciting part—cooking the pancakes over the fire!