Lest we forget

The children in Class 7 have begun to think about Remembrance Sunday today by making these beautiful poppy paintings.

Fantastic work guys!

Class 7 legends

These two shooting stars blew Mrs Miller away today in Class 7.

Elliott for his fantastic contraction group work in English and for trying so hard with his writing and Jersey for her awesome maths work in our new multiplication and division unit. Amazing effort guys.

An Autumn Celebration to end Year 1’s First Half-Term!

Year One have had a brilliant Autumn inspired day to end our first half-term of the year!

We have enjoyed discussing seasonal change and thinking about what is so special about Autumn, making links to the celebration of harvest, weather and colour. We also had the chance to decorate (and eat!) our own biscuits as a special treat… Yum yum!

Our focus was to learn about the work of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama who puts dots everywhere… even on pumpkins! We used her work to inspire some of our own beautiful work which you can check out below and in our video. Enjoy!

We hope you all have a fabulous half-term and will look forward to seeing you all in two weeks time.

Mrs Dutton, Miss Hilton, Miss O’Neil and Mrs Robson 🙂

Great start to the week in class 7.

What a great Monday we have all had in Crew Rodgers today! From fabulous collaboration and coaching in maths, introducing our new text, Mrs Armitage on Wheels, in English, to teaching each other the safest way to cross the road in Expedition, the children have blown me away with their hard work and fantastic learning behaviours.

Our HOWLs targets this week are to make good choices and remind others to do the same, and to nail our transitions between activities. The children have devised 4 protocols for moving around their classroom and the rest of the school.

They are….safe, calm, sensible and quiet….and we are certainly sticking to these rules so far.

Awesome work guys!

Also a big well done to our Learning Legend today Amelia. Fantastic independent writing and maths work. Great job!


It was amazing to see children coaching and leading their peers learning in maths today. The coaches took their role very seriously and they made it look really easy, it was great to hear the explanation and support being given in such a mature way!

Well done to all in Crew Wallace 🙂

Collaborative Maths!

It was great to see some amazing collaboration in our maths learning this week. The children were working so hard and getting smart. It was great to see them supporting each other in their learning and really getting to grips with our addition and subtraction unit. Keep up the hard work guys, I could not be prouder of all of you!

Mrs Wallace 🙂

Mid-week check in

Half way through the week already and some more fabulous learning opportunities in class 7! Among my favourite of these was the fact finding session we undertook in our Expedition learning. We listened to the story of Amy Johnson, who flew solo to Australia in 1930! The children worked on their collaboration skills to decide on ‘Fact or Fiction’ statements and made some very insightful comments on the reasons for such a perilous mission.

Here are our learning legends so far this week.

Well done guys!