Today we have written the first draft of our non-chronological report on polar bears. Eva and Ellis won the postcards for their amazing effort in this work. Ellis tried very hard to remember his phonics learning for spellings and Eva used lots of green standard conjunctions. I can’t wait to see your final drafts. Great job.
All about polar bears
Some fantastic sharing of knowledge today in class 6 when the children made information posters about polar bears as part of their science case study. This knowledge will be used to great effect in our English work when we write a non-chronological report to consolidate our learning. Take a look at the posters below drawn by Rhys, Deacon and Harrison.
Amazing job guys.
Phonics sounds and spelling list wb. 24.1.22
This weeks phonics focus sounds will be…
wh as in when, ph as in phone, ew as in stew and oe as in toe
Our weekly spellings are…
here, there, when, which, alpha, graph, stew, crew, toe, goes
Any help you could give your child with recognising the sounds and practising the spellings would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for your continued support and to all those who practised last week’s spellings. It really does make a massive difference for the children to see that the work they do in school is considered just as important at home.
Miss Rodgers and Miss Good x
Out of this World and Learning Legend awards
A massive well done to Lexi and Anais who won our Out of this World and Learning Legend certificates today.
Lexi has tried so hard to follow our HoWLs and listen very carefully to instructions and her learning has progressed massively because of this.
Anais has been a lovely friend and is always kind and helpful and really deserved her postcard today.
Well done ladies.
KS1 superstars!
We have had an amazing week in KS1. Lots to celebrate…
Lots of people have been working so hard in their learning, have shown that they are kind crew members and have been making good choices. We have had some awesome readers, getting or reader of the week as well as lots of reading certificates that have been achieved too!
Crew Rodgers and Crew Good won joint attendance this week, with 100% so get to keep Paddington and Jemima for the week! I wonder who will get Paddington or Jemima next week?
We are all so proud of the children! Thank you to everyone for continuing to work hard, get smart and be kind! Keep up the hard word, and maybe it could be YOU next week?
Dancing our way into science
Class 6 have been studying food chains as part of the science case study in our ‘What will I do today impact the world tomorrow’ expedition. We ordered a 4 part food chain and could identify which of the chain’s links were producers or consumers. We completed an anchor chart to consolidate our learning and the children wondered where the producers got their food. We discussed photosynthesis and danced and clapped the syllables to help us remember the very advanced scientific word. Why not ask your child to show you the dance and explain what photosynthesis means, or explain a food chain? I know they would love to share their learning with you.
Phase assembly winners from class 6
A huge well done to all our certificate winners this week.
Work hard awards – Junior and Shae. Be kind awards – Haran and Elena. Get smart award – Tyler. HoWL point award – Savannah. Reading champion award – Ezra. Bronze reading certificates – Hunter, Imogen and Savannah.
Crew Rodgers were also very proud to win this week’s attendance award for 100% attendance last week so Paddington will be resident in our class.
Great job kiddos. Keep it up.
Snappy Maths time telling
Class 6 used the iPads today to access the Snappy Maths site which has loads of fabulous worksheets and interactive tablet friendly maths games for children to use to support their in-class learning. I have copied the link below. We set a timer and read as many o’clock and half past times as we could. Deacon smashed his quiz getting a score of 29 out of 29 in 10 minutes. Amazing!
Beating the online trolls in community crew
As part of our community crew sessions for the past two weeks, we have been discussing how easy it is for people online to pretend to be someone they are not, and how important it is not to share any information on the internet. We watched a cartoon highlighting the perils and today the children made a poster to remind them of this. Take a look at these scary troll faces!
Well done crew!
Tick tock, draw hands on a clock!
Fantastic skills in measuring time today in class 6. We began by telling the time to o’clock and half past, then looked at the position of the hour hand in a half past time. The children showed what they had learned by accurately drawing the hands on clocks to show these times. We then grappled with the ‘I Wonder’ challenge where we had to calculate the time to the previous hour. Many of us found this a little tricky but we know in class 6 that finding things difficult means we are learning and we persevered until we completed our task. Reeva and Hunter did especially well and won our Learning Legend postcards for their work.
I am so proud of you all!