This week we are learning the letter sound ’X’ and ’Y’.
I wonder if you can find or name anything that begins with ’X’ or ’Y’?
Can you practise writing ‘x’ or ’y’?
This week we are learning the letter sound ’X’ and ’Y’.
I wonder if you can find or name anything that begins with ’X’ or ’Y’?
Can you practise writing ‘x’ or ’y’?
Today in Nursery we welcomed Axl, Mason and Isaac into our Nursery crew and what a wonderful addition they are to our team. We had so much fun together exploring pirate ships, stories, role play on our bus, mini car wash in the sun, rolling hoops and observing how fast they can roll down a hill, lots of physical play on bikes and scooters and finally learning our new letter sound ‘x’ and practising writing the grapheme. Wow! A wonderfully busy day. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…
We have had a lovely morning so far in Nursery outside in the sun exploring lots of different activities. Hopefully, the sun will stay. I can’t wait to see what else we get up to today.
We had a very creative afternoon today making lots of vehicles to kick start our new expedition. The children were amazing and had fabulous ideas about the different vehicles that we could think of.
A huge thank you to all of the grown ups that managed to join us and thank you for all of your creativity.
Watch this space for pictures of the finished products in our classrooms.…
Well done Reception Crew
WOW! What a morning! It has been truly fantastic. We loved seeing you all get stuck in and crafty to make some amazing transport models. Thank you to all parents and carers who came to join us. What a special way to kick start our Summer term expedition ’Would you travel by wheels, wings or other things?’
Every 2 weeks we will be setting a community challenge linked to our expedition.
For the first challenge we wonder if you can go for a walk, scoot or bike ride and record what types of transport you see on your way? You can take photographs, or drawings to bring to Nursery draw or email your discoveries to [email protected]
We look forward to seeing what you can spot.
Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton
We have had a beautiful first day back in Nursery today and have enjoyed being arty and crafty to immerse our classroom for our new expedition ’Would you travel by wheels, wings or other things?’ Today we have explored traffic lights, what they mean and the colours red, amber and green. The children used powder paint to create their very own traffic light inspired art. I can’t wait to see what we can explore tomorrow… Mrs Hay x
Hi Everyone,
We hope you have had a wonderful Easter break. On Wednesday 19th April at 9.15 – 10.15 am we have our Family Learning in the school hall. We ask that you bring a box no bigger than a cereal box with you for your child to model into a form of transport to launch our expedition ‘Would you travel by wheels, wings or other things?’
The Nursery team look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton
Yesterday, we had a visit from Mrs Wood who came in with Lola the dog to talk about her and other people’s jobs who work with animals. We had a lovely time and loved our cuddles with Lola. Thank you for coming in to visit Nursery, Mrs Wood.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed the spring sunshine today. We’ve been planting wild flowers, designing and building box houses (Well done Miss Nolan, Joseph, Eoghan & Henry for your super hard work!) We have crafted our own tissue paper flowers, enjoyed manipulating play dough to make blue glitter flowers and had lots of physical play on the bikes and scooters. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…Hopefully more sunshine! 🙂