Reception Maths week

We have enjoyed doing lots of fun maths activities this week. We have loved doing some practical things and we were being human scales and finding things that were heavier and lighter.

We had so much fun and it was lovely to hear the children using the correct mathematical vocabulary in the lesson, but then in their play too.

Well done everyone

Mrs Wallace x

Chinese New Year maths.

This week, as we have been learning about Chinese New Year, we added this into our maths session. We had a go at saying and writing numbers to 10 in Chinese.

The children worked collaboratively to work out the chinese symbol that matched to the correct number.

Well done Class 3

Mrs Wallace x

Reception Zumba

We had such fun doing our Zumba session this week with Mrs Raynor. In Expedition we have been learning about how our bodies grow. We now know that exercise is a really important part of that. So, instead of just talking about it, we had a go ourselves.

Well done everyone and a big thank you to Mrs Raynor for teaching us some awesome dances.

Mrs Wallace x

Reception Family Learning

We had a great afternoon learning about the secrets of sleep and a great bedtime routine. We were so lucky that lots of grown ups came to support us. We read some stories, had some hot chocolate and biscuits, practised brushing our teeth and enjoyed relaxing together.


Thanks so much to all of the children and grown ups that made it so lovely ☺️

Mrs Wallace and Mrs Jones

Expert visitor in Reception

We were so lucky to have Mrs Booth and her 2 children join us for our Expedition session this morning. We are looking at how we grow and it was great to see some children of different ages and stages. We had lots of questions and we will be checking in again with the children again to see how they are progressing.

The children were lovely and calm to make sure the babies felt happy and safe.

Well done F2 and thank you Mrs Booth

Mrs Wallace and Mrs Jones

Nursery – Baby Photo

Next week Nursery will be learning about growth and change and what we looked like when we were babies. We kindly ask for you to email or print a photograph of your child as a baby by Monday 13th January.

Many thanks,

Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton


Nursery family learning is on Wednesday 15th January. Please send your child into school wearing their pyjamas, dressing gowns, normal school shoes and coat. Do not send your child in slippers as we will still be accessing outdoor play.

Our family learning session is from 2 – 2.45 pm in Nursery. We will be reading stories, singing songs, explore what good oral health is and talking about the importance of a good night sleep. We hope that all children will have a member of their family to join us.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton