Nursery – Tree clay faces

The children enjoyed creating tree clay faces using natural objects found in the garden today. Poppy from KS2 also joined us and loved it too. The children used their hand muscles to roll, squash, squeeze and pinch to manipulate the clay for their desired shape. We talked about emotions and how we could make a happy, excited, sad, OK and worried face. It was great fun and I was so proud of the children’s perseverance when trying to get their clay face to stick to the tree trunk.

Beautiful work Nursery Crew and Poppy!

Nursery – Capacity work

The children are looking at capacity in maths this week. They have been using key vocabulary ‘full, half full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty’ to describe the volume of a container. The children have enjoyed exploring capacity in the water tray, sand tray and craft area by collaging jars to represent capacity.

Well done for your hard work Nursery Crew! You are all Motiviated Moes!

Reception POL

We had an awesome Presentation of Learning for our Expedition How do things grow and change?

The children presented what we had learned in each Case study, we sang some songs related to ouir learning and then we planted our bulbs in the pots that we had designed and painted.

The chicks that we have been looking after for Case Study 3 and Science week were the stars of the show with the children and grown ups having a hold and a cuddle.

Thanks so much to everyone who managed to join us this afternoon, the children are so proud of their learning and they loved sharing with you.

We are so proud of all the children in Reception, well done everyone!

Mrs Wallace and Mrs Jones x

Reception Science Week.

Louie has been a super scientist at home this weekend and has done an experiment with his grown ups. They were looking at different volcanoes and it was so much fun!

Well done Louie, I love that you have been continuing you learning at home.

Keep up the great work.

Mrs Wallace x

Presentation of Learning

Just a reminder for Reception parents that our Presentation of Learning will take place tomorrow afternoon. Wednesday 19th March at 2-3.

We are talking about our learning from our Expedition and we will be planting our seeds in the pots that the children have designed and painted.

If you come to the Ash tree road entrance just before 2 we will open the gates.
Look forward to seeing you all there.

F2 Team x


In the summer term, The EYFS will be holding a used toy and book sale to raise funds for resources. If anyone has any toys and books in good condition they would be gratefully received. Please drop off any donations in Nursery.

Many thanks for your support.

The EYFS Teachers

F2 World Book Day

We had an awesome world book day in reception today. The children all looked amazing, with some really awesome costumes. We enjoyed lots of our favourite stories together.

We enjoyed playing outside in the lovely sunshine in our costumes too. What a great day!

Mrs Wallace x

Reception Presentation of Learning.

We would like to invite you to our Presentation of Learning for our Spring Expedition See how things grow: How do things grow and change?

The children will present what we have learned throughout the expedition and we will share our final product and our learning journey.

The POL will take place in the hall on Wednesday 19th March 2025 from 2pm. Please come to the Ash tree road entrance and the gates will be open from 1.55 pm.

We hope to see you there.

The F2 Team x