Year 5 have worked their socks off this week! We have completed Science experiments, immersion activities, artwork, Reading lessons and Maths! We have learned lots whilst having fun…Hook Week completed!
Crew Ambler – The eye
Today in biology we have been investigating how our pupil changes size in light and dark. We learnt that when there is minimal light our pupil contracts to allow more light in helping us to see better and when there is light our pupil retracts to control the amount of light through our eye. #ogdentrust
Y6 Space Lecture
Well done Y6 for your awesome space lecture on Thursday. We were all so proud of you standing up their and delivering your lecture to parents. Everyone spoke clear and with great confidence and your slides and script showed how much hard work you have done throughout the expedition. Well done Y6!
Crew Ambler – Lecture Preparation
This morning, we have been busy researching our topics in preparation for our scientific lecture all about space. Over the next few weeks, we will be using all our information to create scripts and slides ready to deliver to our audience. We can’t wait to show you what we have learnt! #OgdenTrust
Crew Spetch – Investigating Friction!
On Monday, we enjoyed investigation friction and the affects different surface areas have on the speed of a car and how far the car travels. The children followed the method and set up the experiment themselves. I can’t wait to see your final science reports! #OgdenTrust
Crew Ambler – Friction Investigation
Yesterday, we had great fun investigating friction. Each group chose four different surfaces to test which had the most and least amount of friction. Great work everyone – I can’t wait to see your final science reports! #OgdenTrust
Crew Jackson – Friction investigation
This morning we spent time building our background knowledge about friction before carrying out an investigation. The children worked in groups to explore which surface had the most and least amount of friction; this was done by testing how far a toy car travelled on different surfaces. Well done everyone – you all impressed me your ability to explain your results using scientific language. I can’t wait to see the science reports your produce based on today’s lesson. #OgdenTrust
Crew Knowles: Friction Investigation
Crew Knowles had great fun with Mrs Hardman today investigating friction. Each group chose four different surfaces to test which had the most and least amount of friction. Great work everyone – I can’t wait to see your final science reports! #OgdenTrust
Crew Spetch – Super Scientists!
Wow! This week we have completed lots of science and a variety of science investigations linking to our Expedition. I have been amazed by the collaboration and the learning by all the children – it’s been great to see everyone so engaged!
We’ve focussed on gravity, water resistance and air resistance and even used our English learning to help us write these up!
Crew Knowles – Water Resistance Investigation
Today we investigated water resistance and looked at how streamlining affects the amount of water resistance. We did this by creating 4 different shapes using play-doh and measuring the length of time it took for each shape to reach the bottom of the bottle! #OgdenTrust