Just a reminder that PE is on a Monday and to wear suitable clothing for it. Green polo (white if not green) with a sensible warm jumper if required. Shorts or tracksuit bottoms and no football kits for PE.

Class 9’s Wildlife Park Adventures

Last week we had the most wonderful day exploring Yorkshire Wildlife Park! The sun was shining and we certainly got some steps in. Lots of fun for everyone and some beautiful animals.
we even got to attend a classroom session to learn more about Polar Bears and their fascinating habitat. So many gorgeous photos, it was hard to choose just a few!!

Class 9 – comparing UK and Svalbard

The children loved this! They were able to really apply themselves in their groups to support each other in various ways, reading, language, vocabulary and understanding. It was lovely to see and hear the focused discussions around the room! Not all beautiful work is written down! Amazing work everyone.

They compared population, education, agriculture, travel, geographical location, weather and climate! Ask them at home,.see what they can tell you about their discoveries!

Class 9 – changes over time in Geography

The children were hard at work in various groups researching how Svalbard has changed over time in relation to human activity and the impact of climate change. The children were able to discuss and pull out all the facts and did a fantastic job supporting each other and sharing discussions.

Class 9 – magnets and magnet art

The children were investigating with magnets today and understanding how magnets attract or repel each other. We also investigated different metals, now understanding that not all metals have a magnetic property.

After investing we took to being creative, using magnets, metal objects and ball bearings as well as some paint to create an abstract piece of art of the Northern lights.

Class 9 – polar bear word clouds

We had a look at some already made climate change word clouds and we looked into the vocabulary within each picking out suitable ones for us. We then extended our vocabulary by using a thesaurus to gather our own words, which could either be up levelled or ones which were more child friendly. The children then listened and watched me model how to create our own and what the purpose of a word cloud was and I couldn’t have been anymore proud of them! They did an amazing job all on their own and the final ones are just beautiful!