KS1 Community Crew Meeting

Some more wonderful achievements to celebrate last week in our community meeting. It was wonderful to see so many children with shoutouts for their kindness, some awesome reading certificates, Crew Shaw with the best attendance and our FANTASTIC out of this world achievers. We can’t wait for after the Christmas holidays to continue celebrating our amazing KS1 children!

Keep up all the hard work!

Class 8 community crew

In community crew this week we have been looking at road safety and even got to go on a walk around the school to see how we can work hard to stay safe! We found out how to cross the road safely, what double yellow lines are for and how to spot a safe or unsafe vehicle. The sun was shining and the children were making sure to be sensible and safe!!!!

Class 8 superstars!

WOW what a wonderful first day back in Year 2! We have had such a wonderful day, the children have all come back with amazing attitudes and have blown me away with their manners and kind hearts. I hope to see this ALL year.

Extra big shoutout to Amaya, Jenson and Maddison for their attitude to learning today, I’m so proud of how well they have come in and settled straight away. I can’t wait to continue our journey this year. Keep it up, class 8!

End of term for Year 1!

As we head towards the final few days of Year 1, we are preparing the children to move into Year 2. Whilst we are doing that we have lots of beautiful work for the children to take home, could we ask that you bring a large, sturdy carrier bag tomorrow so that we can begin to hand out books etc from this past year!

Much appreciated, Miss Good and Miss Rodgers xxx

Staff crew tonight 💚

Staff took part in their own staff crew sports day tonight. We felt exactly the same as some of the children did on sports day, when we were put outside of our comfort zone.

There were some falls, some competitiveness and lots of laughs!

What a great staff crew we have


get crew right, you get everything right 💚

Key stage 1s got talent 💚

What a fantastic show key stage 1 gave today! Our performers were so brave and we are so proud of ALL of them!!!! We had gymnastics, dancing, singing, cheerleading and kalimba playing.

Thank you so much to everyone for supporting these acts by practicing at home!

we will announce our key stage 1 winner tomorrow when all crews have voted…can’t wait to find out!

thanks again from the key stage 1 team x x

Class 5 and the Critique!

Class 5 have been working on their critique this afternoon. We have been using I Notice and I Wonder’s whilst looking at the collage’s we made yesterday. We thought about what a collage was, how we have completed our own and how we could change them to make them different! The children thought about the colour, pattern, material and shapes used and how changing any of these aspects might alter the collage. It has been lovely to see the pride the children have taken in this task.