shared reading in year 2

In our year 2 guided reading group, we have been using our inference and retrieval skills to answer questions about a text we have been reading this week. There has been some super skimming and scanning work happening as well as predictions about what will happen in the text.

Well done guys! Your reading is improving all of the time!

Mrs Shaw x

Class 8 Get (XP) Outdoors!

The children had a wonderful time this morning with Mr Kershaw, we even got to use our expedition learning while we made music with different natural elements. We had some great discussions about the sounds that we could make and the differences in pitch and volume different objects made. Some children even performed some wonderful tunes too. What a wonderful morning!

year 2 family learning

A huge thank you to all of our year 2 parents who came along today to support the children in year 2 with their exercise and fitness!

I was blown away, not only by the fact that all children were fully involved but also by the amount of parents and grandparents that joined in (and dare I say enjoyed our zumba class?)

We saw lots of smiles, laughing and some really great dancers! A special shout out to all of the dads that got involved too, you were awesome!

Thank you so much for supporting your children’s learning as always, we really do appreciate it!

I need to also give a shout out to Mrs Rayner who not only taught some very complicated dance moves to 60 children but also to our parents too- you were amazing!

Thanks, Mrs Shaw and the year 2 team x x

Reminder for year 2 family learning

Just a little reminder that class 8 and 9 will be holding their family learning tomorrow (Wednesday 25th January) at 2pm. Please come dressed in appropriate clothing as we are going to enjoy a fun keep fit session together with the children. We are learning all about healthy bodies and exercise is a very important part of this…healthy bodies, healthy minds!

Can’t wait…see you all then!

Mrs Shaw and Miss Good

Year 2 PE!

Year 2 had a wonderful PE session this week, in preparation for our family learning next week. We danced it out! This term we will be looking at keeping healthy and how exercise and diet can affect our bodies, so we started with a quick game of zoo keepers before doing some exercise in the form of dancing. It was so much fun!

Maths Week

The week beginning 30th January will be ‘Maths Week’ and we will have lots of fun things happening in school to raise the profile of maths.

Below are some dates that you may want to know in advance:

Thursday 2nd February 2pm – 4pm : Maths drop in session

Join us in the hall to play some fun maths games with your child/ren between the times of 2pm and 4pm. Feel free to drop in at anytime between these times. This will be led by the Learning Council so please come along to support.

Maths end of term activities | Tes

Friday 3rd February: NSPCC Number dress up day!

On Friday 3rd, we are encouraging the children to dress up in maths and number related outfits to raise money for the NSPCC charity. Suggested donation is £1.

Number Day 2023 | NSPCC

Class 8 Wonderful Writers!

This week throughout the Christmas madness Maddison has been using her spare time to re write the inspiring story of Emmeline Pankhurst. She has taken her time to practise her beautiful handwriting, here is a picture of her while she was completing her hard work. She was so proud of herself, and so am I! She has even inspired some other of her crew to do the same thing and they are working hard too to re write some other amazing stories. What an amazing crew we have! 😀