Class 15’s very questionable jam sandwiches!

In English, Year 5 have been learning all about the importance of clear and precise instruction writing. Unfortunately this had to come at the expense of some very undesirable-looking jam sandwiches … check out our pictures below. Fortunately, the children were able to edit their instructions enough to enjoy a much more normal jam sandwich – or two! It’s amazing how quickly we can learn when a tasty treat is involved 🙂

EYFS Family Learning

On Wednesday 1st May 2-3pm we will be holding our EYFS Family Learning. Children can come to school dressed as pirates for the day (parents are welcome to join us in costume too!).

Nursery parents – please go to the nursery doors to sign in and meet your children.

F2 parents – please go to the school office to sign in, you will then be collected and taken down to the classroom.

Please note family learning will be outdoors so please ensure your children have a coat and footwear suitable for the grass.

We look forward to seeing you there


An afternoon in Nursery

This afternoon we have followed the children’s interest. They have been building ladybird houses in the garden, playing Mummies with the babies and drawing dinosaurs. What a busy afternoon it’s been.

Y4 PE – Long Jump!

Today our Year 4 enjoyed an athletics PE session practising their long jumps. We used iPads and an app called ‘measure’ to measure the distance of each jump. Great work everyone!

Just a reminder that Y4 PE will now be on a Tuesday afternoon and children will require outdoor kit.