Class 5: Super Expedition

This week in Class 5 we have been planting seeds. We have also been using oil pastels to add colour to our vegetable pictures. Ayan, Logan and Luther have created an excellent piece of artwork of a red onion in the style of artist Dennis Wojtkiewich.

Class 5: Homework

Addison is always such a busy bee at home and always puts lots of effort into completing tasks from the homework menu. This week Addison has wrote a beautiful story about a Farm. We are very proud of you Addison – Keep up the great work!

Reception Phonics

This week in Phonics we have been covering the following sounds. The sounds will be sent out for the children to be practising to recognise the digraph, say the digraph and then write the grapheme.

The children are really starting to learn and retain those sounds but will need support to blend those sounds together. Have a go at the green words and the more they hear those sounds being blended the easier it will become. There is a sentence to read on the bottom of the sheet also. Reading this and also reading the reading books that the children now have will all help to increase and improve the children’s fluency in their reading.


Mrs Wallace and Mrs Jones.

Reception and KS1 Reading Books

Last week we posted a letter explaining the changes to the way we will be changing reading books in school. We have put together some slides to offer further support to parents about the types of books your child will bring home.

Please remember to read the letter sent to parents and sign the consent form for your child to bring home their reading books. From now on we request that all children return their reading books every Friday

If you have any further questions or concerns please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Please click on the link below to access the information slides: