EYFS Easter Experience

Next week on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th March we are going to be visited by a team from Doncaster Schools Work Trust. The children in Nursery and Reception will take part in a workshop which will be a hands on interactive experience telling them the story of Jesus’ life over Easter and the events of Holy Week.

The charity are kindly donating their services for free and invite parents and carers to make a voluntary contribution towards covering the cost of their resources and the gift each child will take home. If you would like to do so please could you bring £2 to school on Monday or Tuesday next week.

If you would like to find out more information about the charity it is available on their website http://dswt.co.uk/

Look out for our blog posts next week sharing with you the fun we get up to!

Nursery Family Learning on Wednesday!

This Wednesday at 2pm will be our family learning event. Parents are invited to join their child in the school hall where Pastor Kevin from Thorne Pentecostal Church will be leading a short assembly on the story of Creation and how God made the world, linking to our current expedition of ‘In a world of possibilities will you make?‘ We will then be completing some short craft activities before finishing by 2.45pm.

Please arrive at the Nursery entrance 10-15 minutes before the event start time. If you are unable to attend the children will still enjoy taking part with a member of the nursery staff team. If your child does not usually attend on a Wednesday afternoon you are very welcome to come along and join us!

Glorious Sunshine

Don’t forget Red Nose Day tomorrow

The Nursery Team

Making Our Final Product

This afternoon was very exciting in nursery! We had Mr Doyle, a design and technology teacher at XP school, come to visit with three Year 10 students, Jake, Oliver and Tom. They worked together to create our final product for our current expedition. The children loved watching them create a mud kitchen from old wooden pallets and enjoyed learning about the different tools and machinery – even when it became quite noisy! A huge shout out to Jake, Oliver and Tom for demonstrating some brilliant DIY skills and being wonderful role models to our children.

We can’t wait to show you the finished product properly at our Celebration of Learning on Wednesday 30th March!

Reminder: Family Learning and Celebration of Learning

Wednesday 23rd March at 2pm will be our family learning event. Parents are invited to join their child in the school hall where Pastor Kevin from Thorne Pentecostal Church will be leading a short assembly on the story of Creation and how God made the world, linking to our current expedition of ‘In a world of possibilities will you make?‘ We will then be completing some short craft activities before finishing by 2.45pm.

Wednesday 30th March will be our Celebration of Learning starting at 2.15pm. This will be an opportunity for us to share some videos with you that show the children’s expeditionary learning in nursery so far. We hope we’ll be able to share some drinks and biscuits together afterwards too!

Please arrive at the Nursery entrance 10-15 minutes before the event start time. If you are unable to attend the children will still enjoy taking part with a member of the nursery staff team. If your child does not usually attend on a Wednesday afternoon you are very welcome to come along and join us!

Red Nose Day!

A reminder that red noses will continue to be on sale this week up until the day itself. They are priced at £1.50 per red nose and we only have a limited number remaining so make sure that you get yours bought early! School councillors will be bringing them round during morning crew.

Red Nose Day 2022 Red Nose | Sainsbury's