Collaborative drawing

This afternoon we have been getting creative and drawing together. We’ve seen flowers, dogs, butterflies and aliens. What fantastic imaginations you all have Nursery!

Those who choose not to draw were busy building puzzles and playing in provision.

Exploring nature in Nursery

Nursery have loved exploring natural objects to count linked to our maths lessons. We have also been investigating fruit and vegetables linked to our Harvest Festival expedition learning this week. Elodie was a star and clearly explained “harvest is getting the food in from the farmer’s field”. The children then used the provision tray to count potatoes and peppers. Awesome learning and play Nursery Crew!

Nursery – calling for conkers!

It’s that time of year where the conkers are falling and we know how much little fingers love to collect them! They create great seasonal learning and play opportunities and we would love some in our nursery. If you have collected any or are going on an autumnal walk soon, we would be very grateful of any conkers you can spare.

Thank you.

Mrs Hay

Nursery & Reception Family Learning Wednesday 1st November

On Wednesday 1st November we are delighted to announce that The Education Group will be coming in to host our Family Learning session. One adult member of your family is invited to celebrate Diwali with your child and have the opportunity to be taught some traditional Bollywood dancing by a professional dancer.

We kindly ask for you to pay £5 on your child’s ParentPay account which will include a 45 minute dance workshop for one adult and one child.

More details will follow next week where you will be allocated a time slot to attend your dance workshop.

We are all very much looking forward to the day and hope you are able to come and celebrate with your child.

Thank you for your continued support in your child’s learning.

Mrs Hay & The EYFS Team

Nursery visit Sherwood Forest

All was quiet in the deep, dark wood…

First we all took part in the Gruffalo orienteering course to find the Gruffalo and other characters from the story along the way.

Next we sat on a log to rest our aching legs from the walk and Mrs Hay read The Gruffalo.

Followed by a delicious picnic and some Gruffalo inspired Nature Artwork.

A huge thank you to all those who joined us on our first trip of the year. The children have spoken about it today and clearly all had a wonderful day.

Nursery at Sherwood Pines

On behalf of the Nursery team and myself we would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who joined us on our trip to Sherwood Pines. We had a wonderful day navigating our way around the Gruffalo orienteering trail, enjoying the Gruffalo story in the forest and creating nature art. The children were a credit to you all and the school. We were very proud of each and every one of the children for their excitement and hard work. I’m sure all of the children slept very well last night! Here is a sneak peek of some of the photos taken. Mrs Burton will upload more today. Watch this space…


Hi All,

Here is a some information needed for our trip tomorrow.

Please arrive between 8.30am – 8.45am at the Nursery doors. We will depart promptly and be on our way by 9am. We will return to school by 3pm.

Please dress for the outdoors (wellies/walking boots, warm/layered clothing, rain coats). The weather at the moment is looking very windy, chilly and potentially wet. I would advise bringing a spare change of clothes for your child just incase.

You will need to bring a packed lunch and drink for yourself and your child. Refreshments can also be purchased from the cafe.

Myself and the Nursery team look forward to spending the day with you all tomorrow.

If you have any questions, please catch me on the door at pick up today.

Mrs Hay