Community Crew

Well done to these children for being our HOWL point winners this week. Keep up the great work! Also well done to the children for achieving your first reading certificates for reading 10 or more books at home. A finally a huge well done to our children for showing us all the character traits of being a Crew champion. You deserve this and we are so proud of you.
Mrs Wallace and Mrs Jones.

EYFS Disco

Reception children looked fabulous in their disco outfits. We has such a great time at our school disco. We dance the afternoon away and even had a great sing along to a couple of songs.

Reception Class 3’s NSPCC Number Day!

A huge thank you to everyone that has donated today! We have had lots of number fun exploring one more and less! We have worked out to number, listened to number stories and and taken part in lots of fun activities! We had a blast! Here are some of moments caught on camera!

Maths – Capacity

We have been learning all about capacity in Reception. We have been working hard to understand and use the language of capacity including, full, half full, empty, nearly empty, nearly full. The children were amazing at showing their learning in their own play.

Reception Maths week

We have enjoyed doing lots of fun maths activities this week. We have loved doing some practical things and we were being human scales and finding things that were heavier and lighter.

We had so much fun and it was lovely to hear the children using the correct mathematical vocabulary in the lesson, but then in their play too.

Well done everyone

Mrs Wallace x

Reception – Making our product

On Tuesday we designed our own plant pots and critiqued them so that it would be our best work, thinking about a beautiful design and keeping it neat. On Wednesday we had so much fun painting our own plant pots based on our designs, we worked hard to make sure they matched our designs and used fine paintbrushes to make sure we could get all the details on.

Chinese New Year maths.

This week, as we have been learning about Chinese New Year, we added this into our maths session. We had a go at saying and writing numbers to 10 in Chinese.

The children worked collaboratively to work out the chinese symbol that matched to the correct number.

Well done Class 3

Mrs Wallace x